******************************************* HomeWork Tool ********************************************** Credits: Ankit Raj Mahapatra One of my friend Ankit had already created the tool and is available on his GIT repo. https://github.com/Ankit404butfound
I just tried a little from my side.
HomeWork Tool is a tool created using python for the purpose of converting the images containing text into another image having the same text in hand-written text. This code is opensource and any improvement is welcomed.
I have inserted my own text into the tool. If you want to have your own text build into the tool you can replace my images with your own images.
You will have to insert all the alphabets (Capital and Small) in it. Dimensions for the Alphabets are fixed which you will have to resize.
___________________ SIZE OF ALPHABETS ___________________________
- All capital letters must be of size: hor-50px, ver-66px
- The letters ['b', 'd', 'f', 'h', 'k', 'l', 't', 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', 'y'] should be of size: hor-30px, ver-66px
- The letters ['a', 'c', 'e', 'i', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'r'] should be of size: hor-30px, ver-33px
-NOTE: You can resize the letters from default paint in windows.
First of all you will have to install some libraries. Here are the commands to install then through pip in cmd.
Open 'command prompt' and use these commands to install the modules
pip install pillow
pip install PIL
pip install pytesseract
After installing the modules you will have to edit the script Homework.py
and insert the location of your pytesseract.exe
file in the current code.
Go to C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR
or whichever path you have installed pytesseract and edit the Homework.py
script's line no. 14 and paste your path for tesseract.exe
As show in this image:
Run HomeworkGUI.py to run the tool and you will get an interface as shown below:
Now browse for your Text Image file and the folder you want to paste the image. Once you do so you will find a button Do Homework, Click it and an handwritten image will pop up in few seconds and will be saved at the location you provided.
The final output will look something like this:
Thank You readers !
I will include the code to improve the resizing of the letters on its own in later update.
Stay Safe ! Peace ! 😉