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cogee A Simple CLI for COGs in GEE

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cogee is a command-line interface (CLI) designed to simplify the process of registering Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) assets into Google Earth Engine (GEE) image collections. It streamlines the workflow of ingesting and managing geospatial data within GEE, enabling users to efficiently access, analyze, and visualize COG assets in their GEE projects. cogee simplifies the workflow of registering COG assets into GEE image collections, making it easier for users to harness the power of Google Earth Engine for geospatial analysis and visualization.


You can find information on the tools in the readme docs


  • This tools is designed for general purpose registration of COGs in a GCS bucket
  • Currently there is no way to pass the properties information to the registration pipeline
  • This will be in active development and features will be added over time.
  • v1.0.0 marks the first major release of this tool.