Submitted by: Salman Khan
This web app: **The GIF shows a Marvel-themed data dashboard that dynamically updates as a user types in the search bar. The title "Marvel Characters Dashboard" is displayed prominently at the top in green text. Below it, there’s a search field where the user is typing, and as they do so, the displayed character data updates in real time.
Two key statistics appear below the search bar: "Total Characters" and "Average Comic Appearances," which change according to the search filter. A bar chart beneath these stats shows different Marvel characters along the x-axis and their comic appearances on the y-axis. Bars animate to reflect the updated data as the search query changes, creating a responsive, interactive effect. The design uses a dark background with vibrant turquoise bars and white text for easy readability.**
Time spent: X hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- [✅ ] The app includes at least one unique chart developed using the fetched data that tell an interesting story
- [✅ ] Clicking on an item in the list view displays more details about it
- [✅ ] To ensure an accurate grade, your sidebar must be viewable when showing the details view in your recording.
- [✅ ] Clicking on an item has a direct, unique link to that item's detail view page
- [✅ ] To ensure an accurate grade, the URL/address bar of your web browser must be viewable in your recording.
The following optional features are implemented:
- [✅ ] The site's customized dashboard contains more content that explains what is interesting about the data
- [✅ ] The site allows users to toggle between different data visualizations
The following additional features are implemented:
- [✅ ] List anything else that you added to improve the site's functionality!
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with ...
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
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