Kafka Queue driver for Laravel
You can install this package via composer using this command:
composer require sadegh2007/laravel_queue_kafka
The package will automatically register itself.
Add connection to config/queue.php
'connections' => [
// ...
'kafka' => [
'driver' => 'kafka',
'sleep_on_error' => env('KAFKA_SLEEP_ON_ERROR', 5),
'topics' => env('KAFKA_TOPICS', 'default'),
'debug' => env('KAFKA_DEBUG', false),
'brokers' => env('KAFKA_BROKERS', 'localhost:9092'),
'auto_commit' => 'false',
'group_id' => 'myConsumerGroup',
'consumer' => [
'sasl.username' => env('KAFKA_USERNAME', null),
'sasl.password' => env('KAFKA_PASSWORD', null),
'auto.offset.reset' => 'smallest',
'security.protocol' => env('KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL', 'SASL_SSL'),
'sasl.mechanisms' => env('KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISMS', 'SCRAM-SHA-256'),
'compression.type' => 'gzip',
'producer' => [
'sasl.username' => env('KAFKA_USERNAME', null),
'sasl.password' => env('KAFKA_PASSWORD', null),
'security.protocol' => env('KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL', 'SASL_SSL'),
'sasl.mechanisms' => env('KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISMS', 'SCRAM-SHA-256'),
'compression.type' => 'gzip',
'log_level' => LOG_DEBUG,
'debug' => 'all'
// ...
For Lumen usage the service provider should be registered manually as follow in bootstrap/app.php
There are one ways of consuming messages for now.
command which is provided by this package.
you can specify topics with command option --topics=default
You can contribute to this package by discovering bugs and opening issues. Please, add to which version of package you create pull request or issue.