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A demo is worth 1,000 words. Click the image below to see the Pegasus CLI in action:

Pegasus CLI Demo


The Pegasus CLI is a command-line tool that streamlines the process of working in a Django project. It is currently designed to work with the SaaS Pegasus Django boilerplate, but can be used more generally for any Django project (and will be updated to work with generic Django projects in the future).

It is currently geared around the startapp command. This will create a new app in your Django project, and (optionally) spin up an entire Create / Update / Delete (CRUD) interface for it, built with Django forms and HTMX.

Example usage:

pegasus startapp todos Project Todo

This will create a todos app in your Django project with models, URLs, views and templates to work with a Project and Todo model.


Install this tool using pip:

pip install pegasus-cli


For help, run:

pegasus --help

You can also use:

python -m pegasus --help


You can run pegasus startapp --help for configuration options. In addition to the command-line options, you can also set default values for configuration options by creating a pegasus-config.yaml file in your project directory. The format of the file is:

  app_directory: apps
  module_path: apps
  template_directory: templates
  base_model: apps.teams.models.BaseTeamModel
  use_teams: true

The above configuration is the recommended configuration for SaaS Pegasus projects (with teams turned on, else set use_teams: false and base_model: apps.utils.models.BaseModel).

A recommended default configuration for your project will be included in your project's pegasus-config.yaml file if you are on Pegasus version 2024.9 or later.

The Pegasus config will create your apps in the apps directory, and will use the templates directory for your templates.


To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd cli
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies and dev dependencies:

pip install -e '.[dev]'

To run the tests:


Setup pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install