Data Science, DevOps
Asteroids game (Python) Using PyGame, task given by
- Danish Keys (AutoIt) Modifies any Windows keyboard mapping to include the danish keys ø, å and æ. (See also Golang version soon)
- Belgian Apple AZERTY (Ukelele) Modifies the non-standard Apple keyboard for the Belgian AZERTY keymap back to the standard version.
- Exercism (C/Python/Golang) code challenges
- Habit Tracker (Python) A habit tracker app, exam project for university. Use of Design Patterns and SQL.
- MD to HTML. (Python) A site which 'compiles' Markdown notes into a HTML website.
- BitTorrent proof of concept (Python) Can process single file torrents, connect to trackers. Downloading still to be implemented. Task given by Codecrafters
- Advent of Code 2023
- Mobile Bayesian Calculator (Swift or Python/Kivy or Go/Fyne) App which will a) easily calculate posterior probability, given a confusion matrix b) given prior & likelihood, will integrate for evidence to provide posterior
- Keyboard remapper (Golang) for Windows via keyboard hook
- Chat server & clients (Python) chat server, containerised, GUI mobile clients
- Hotel Dashboard (Python) with API connection to a cloud PMS