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Modular application designed with principles of DDD and Clean Architecture.


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LexiQuest Game

Modular application built with Clean Architecture and DDD principles which is ready to quickly get splitted into microserves.


I think it's long been clear to everyone how to handle order processing in a DDD style. Enough with the repetitive examples! Such examples cover the core principles only superficially, without addressing corner cases at all. Let's imagine how we could design a card game for people learning foreign words. This task is quite atypical for DDD, at least based on what I could find on GitHub. With this example, you can explore:

  • HOW TO break down a non-trivial task into bounded-contexts and allocate an independent isolated module for each bounded context, architecturally ensuring the possibility of turning any module into a microservice deployed on a separate machine.
  • HOW TO abstract the inter-module interaction mechanism — it's possible to avoid using docker containers, and go for a regular database or even memory for message exchange, for example, to deploy the application on web hosting, and later when required to switch to VPS.
  • HOW TO orchestrate long-running processes involving multiple modules — I prefer orchestration through sagas instead of choreography, as this approach provides centralized control of operations, process consistency, and a clear understanding of what is happening and when, improving manageability and transparency.
  • HOW TO ensure reliable delivery and processing of inter-module messages and domain events using the outbox pattern.
  • HOW TO use domain services for logic involving multiple aggregates, and for non-trival business logic requiring its responsibility to be extracted outside the aggregate.
  • HOW TO create a simple way to control access to a user's own resources.


  • MassTransit and RabbitMQ - inter-service communication.

  • MassTransit.Mediator - for handling domain events.

  • EPPlus - importing from xlsx.

  • EF Core - ORM, and PostgreSQL - database.

  • On the frontend, Blazor Interactive WebAssembly is used with RESTful API, along with a bit of Blazor Bootstrap. Auth0 - for authentication, and SignalR - handling messages from the backend, including errors.

How to launch

You need to add an appsettings.json file to LexiQuest.WebApp and LexiQuest.WebApp.Client/wwwroot, specifying the settings for Auth0 and EPPlus, then:

docker-compose up

Event Storm diagram

Dependency diagram

Conracts are:

  • Commands
  • Queries
  • Events

Context map and contracts

Start New Game Saga Sequence Chart

  theme: forest
  participant WebApp as WebApp
  box QuizGame Module
    participant StartNewGameSaga as StartNewGameSaga
    participant StartGameLimiter as StartGameLimiter
    participant Game Domain as Game Domain
  participant Puzzle Manager as Puzzle Manager
  WebApp ->>+ StartNewGameSaga: StartNewGame
  StartNewGameSaga ->>+ StartGameLimiter: CheckLimitRequest
  StartGameLimiter -->>- StartNewGameSaga: CheckLimitRequest.Completed
  alt is duplicate
    StartNewGameSaga ->> WebApp: StartNewGameRefusedEvent
  else not duplicate
    StartNewGameSaga ->> WebApp: StartNewGameStatusEvent (FetchingPuzzles)
    StartNewGameSaga ->>+ Puzzle Manager: GetPuzzlesForCurrentOwnerQuery
    Puzzle Manager -->>- StartNewGameSaga: PuzzleRequest.Completed
    StartNewGameSaga ->> WebApp: StartNewGameStatusEvent (FetchingPuzzles)
    StartNewGameSaga ->>+ Game Domain: CreateNewGameCommand
    Game Domain -->>- StartNewGameSaga: NewGameCreatedEvent
    StartNewGameSaga ->> WebApp: StartNewGameStatusEvent (CreatingNewGame)
    StartNewGameSaga ->>+ Game Domain: StartGameCommand
    Game Domain -->>- StartNewGameSaga: GameStartedEvent
    StartNewGameSaga ->> WebApp: StartNewGameCompletedEvent

Googlesheets Import Saga Sequence Diagram

  theme: forest
    participant WebApp
    box Import Module
      participant ImportSaga
      participant ImportInitializer
      participant GoogleImportService
    participant PuzzleManager

    WebApp->>ImportSaga: ImportCommand
    activate ImportSaga
    Note over ImportSaga: State: Initially
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Set ImportId, Timestamp, ImporterId, ImportSourceId
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Transition to Initializing
    ImportSaga-->>WebApp: ImportStatusChangedEvent (Initializing)
    ImportSaga->>ImportInitializer: InitializeImport

    ImportInitializer->>ImportSaga: ImportInitialized
    Note over ImportSaga: State: Initializing
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Set Initialized, Url, Language
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Transition to FetchingDataFromGoogle
    ImportSaga-->>WebApp: ImportStatusChangedEvent (FetchingDataFromGoogle)
    ImportSaga->>GoogleImportService: FetchDataFromGoogle

    GoogleImportService->>ImportSaga: FetchedEvent
    Note over ImportSaga: State: FetchingDataFromGoogle
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Set Fetched
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Transition to SavingInPuzzleMgr
    ImportSaga-->>WebApp: ImportStatusChangedEvent (SavingInPuzzleMgr)
    ImportSaga->>PuzzleManager: AddNewPuzzlesCommand

    PuzzleManager->>ImportSaga: PuzzlesAddedEvent
    Note over ImportSaga: State: SavingInPuzzleMgr
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Set SavedInPuzzleMgr
    ImportSaga-->>WebApp: ImportCompletedEvent
    ImportSaga->>ImportSaga: Finalize
    deactivate ImportSaga


What needs to be done:

  • Finish the editing section for puzzles and import sources.
  • Add a couple more import options in separate modules, for example, from a text file.
  • Add support for puzzle collections and parallel games with different collections. Currently, a user always has one collection and one game.
  • The project was written to demonstrate solving architectural tasks; I did not focus on optimizing word-checking algorithms, imports, etc.
  • For the same reason, tests were not written, and this needs to be fixed in future.


Modular application designed with principles of DDD and Clean Architecture.







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