A Bulbapedia rip off. Get information on your Pokémon, like stats and evolution charts
With Dittobase, you can search for Pokémon by name, type, and generation. Learn about their Pokédex entries, their stats at various levels, evolutions, and their movesets with Dittobase!
- React
- React-Router
- Bootstrap/Bootstrap React
- PokeAPI
- PokeAPI sprites
A story of the project user, that explains the use of the project.
Search pokemon by name Search pokemon by index Search pokemon by generation Search pokemon by type or any combination of the above
View Pokémon entries View Pokémon stats by level View Pokémon evolutions View Pokémon moveset
The 3 main pages (home, search, and pokemon entry) were planned first and how the routing was going to be. Then, the search logic was set up by filtering through the results using the given filters.
The API relevant API calls had to be made at the correct points as PokeAPI segregates their information.
the debounce search was not running the search function after the debounce. Refactoring the code solved the problem
Level slider on Pokemon Profile page
I learnt that slider inputs on react also rely on state changes to update itself
Slow API calls
Due to the number of pokemon, and the photos required, the loading of the page on deployment was very slow. I attempted to solve this by storing the main profile picture locally instead of calling it from the API. However, the limitations of heroku meant that the app's startup was still very slow.
I hope to deploy it on a server which can handle faster API requests, or come up with a solution that reduces the number of API requests for the purpose.
- Move search and item search were left out due to the nature of the way the API stores the data. Will be a separate organisational project
- Evolution triggers are not included for the same reason.
PokéAPI PokéAPI Sprites
Visual Boy Advanced, for all the times I never had a Game Boy (which is until now)