A software package for wireless control and DAQ from the MAPIC using a Pyboard D SF3W. Current features and perforamance include:
- Wifi communication using python socket network module/UDP. Maximum data transfer rate determined to be > 95Mb/s.
- Read and write to two I2C potentiometers at addresses 0x2C and 0x2D. Also scan for I2C addresses.
- Python level interrupt measurements with ADC, in addition to high performance DMA interrupt peakfinding code integrated into Micropython.
- Histogram generation and display in real time.
- Python Tkinter GUI for control and readout.
- Config file to edit default settings and save setup for repeat measurments.
First install python version 3.7.4 In order to install dependencies, first ensure that python 3 is installed (with pip) and added to PATH. Then open command prompt inside the folder containing requirements.txt and parse the command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
In linux or the event that you have both python 2 and 3 installed, you may find that you will need to specify pip3
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This installs the following packages for python 3:
- numpy
- pyserial
- matplotlib
- scipy
- pyusb -> used for flashing firmware to the board
If this doesn't work, one can install each individually with the command:
$ pip install <module>
This repo relies on a customised fork of the micropython Github found here, specifically the mpdma branch . In order to flash new firmware to the Pyboard D SF3W board, you need to have an ARM compiler installed, the recommended package is arm-none-eabi-gcc. This can be installed through the command,
$ sudo apt-get install arm-none-eabi-gcc
There is also a windows/linux compiler available for download at https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded or using linux command line with https://launchpad.net/~team-gcc-arm-embedded/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
Once installed, navigate to the root folder and then execute the following command to build the micropython cross-compiler.
$ make -C mpy-cross
Then, edit the first line in the Makefile in the ~/ports/stm32 directory so that it reads,
Finally, navigate to the ~/micropython directory and parse the following to compile the build,
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd ports/stm32
$ make
$ sudo make deploy
Note that steps other than the final two only need to be carried out once to set up the library.
Added a new custom functions to adc.c
. There have also been some changes to ADC class in order to facilitate changing the ADC mode. To set up our ADC object we use the code:
# Necessary imports
from pyb import ADC
from machine import Pin
adcpin = Pin("X12") # set up ADC pin object on pin PIN
adc = ADC(adcpin, mode) # create ADC object with the ADC pin, triple mode false
# mode can be "SingleDMA", "TripleDMA", "Single".
# "Single" -> Can use adc.read_timed
# "SingleDMA" -> Can use adc.read_dma
# "TripleDMA" -> Can use adc.read_interleaved
Two more sampling modes have been added in the custom firmware, called read_dma
and read_interleaved
adc = ADC(adcpin, "TripleDMA") # create ADC object with the ADC pin, triple mode
# adc.read_interleaved(num_samples,ipv4)
# num_samples : integer number of peaks to sample, ideally multiple of 360
# ipv4 : IPV4 address tuple e.g. ("",5000)
# returns nothing
adc = ADC(adcpin, "SingleDMA") # create ADC object with the ADC pin, triple mode
# adc.read_interleaved(num_samples,ipv4)
# num_samples : integer number of peaks to sample, ideally multiple of 360
# ipv4 : IPV4 address tuple e.g. ("",5000)
# returns nothing
adc.deinit_setup() # deinit the adc peripheral, clear configuration
adc = ADC(adcpin, mode) # reinitialise the adc object with desired mode
- Connect to the Wi-Fi access point "PYBD" on the readout system.
- Launch the MAPIC.bat file to start the GUI from which one can control the MAPIC and take measurements
This application requires knowledge and use of the following python libraries/implementations in addition to those installed through pip:
- Tkinter used for the Python GUI.
- Python Socket API for data transfer with the board.
- Micropython Language Docs for python development on the board.
- Micropython for the Pyboard D Pyboard D specific features.
Links to specific C apis used in the development of this project, as well as some more detailed instructions on micropython development.
- STMCUBE32F7 HAL libraries used for coding micropython/board control.
- lwIP UDP API lightweight C socket API, used with python sockets for data streaming.
- Micropython C modules more detailed explanations/examples on how to develop micropython functions.
Relevant data sheets and technical documentation for the Pyboard D SF3 chip.