This repo contains the code to get NixOS running on LicheePi 4A.
Default user: lp4a
, default password: lp4a
- release an image
- build opensbi from source
- build u-boot from source
- support for booting from emmc
- fix the sdImage's file size
- fix the sdImage's auto resize after the first boot.
- Failed to enable firewall due to the error:
firewall-start[2300]: iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Protocol not supported
- verify all the hardware features available by th1520
- ethernet (rj45)
- wifi
- bluetooth
- audio
- gpio
- uart/ttl
- gpu
- The GPU driver of TH1520 is closed source, and it's high coupling with the operation system, make it quite difficult to make it work on NixOS.
- npu
- no one has seem to be done any work related to TH1520's NPU, and even licheepi4a's official docs does not contain any relevant contents(only a TODO).
- ...
You can skip this step if you just want to flash the prebuilt image.
Build u-boot:
nix build .#uboot -L --show-trace
After the build is complete, the u-boot will be in result/u-boot-with-spl.bin
, please copy it to another place for later use.
Build sdImage:
# I have uploaded the build cache to cachix, you can use it to speed up builds.
# which may take a long time without my cache, about 2 hours on my machine
nix run nixpkgs#cachix -- use licheepi4a
nix build .#sdImage -L --show-trace
After the build is complete, the image will be in result/sd-image/nixos-licheepi4a-sd-image-xxx-riscv64-linux.img
The image has some problem currently, we need to fix the partition size by the following commands:
cp result/sd-image/nixos-licheepi4a-sd-image-*-riscv64-linux.img nixos-lp4a.img
chmod +w nixos-lp4a.img
# increase img's file size
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=16 >> nixos-lp4a.img
sudo losetup --find --partscan nixos-lp4a.img
# check rootfs's status, it's broken.
sudo fsck /dev/loop0p2
echo w | sudo fdisk /dev/loop0
# increase the rootfs's partition size & file system size
nix shell nixpkgs#cloud-utils
sudo growpart /dev/loop0 2
# check rootfs's status again, it should be normal now.
sudo fsck /dev/loop0p2
# umount the image file
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
Official Docs:
According to the official docs, the flash process of LicheePi 4A is as follows:
- Press and hold the BOOT button on the board, then plug in the USB-C cable to power on (the other end of the cable is connected to the PC), and you can enter the USB burning mode (fastboot).
- the command
lsusb | grep T-HEAD
should printID 2345:7654 T-HEAD USB download gadget
- the command
- Then use the following command to flash the image into the board's eMMC.
- The fastboot program can be downloaded directly from Android Platform Tools, or installed from the package manager.
So first, download the prebuilt u-boot-with-spl.bin
& nixos-licheepi4a-sd-image-xxx-riscv64-linux.img.zst
from releases, or build them by yourself.
Then, flash into the board's spl partition and uboot partition:
# flash u-boot into spl partition
sudo fastboot flash ram u-boot-with-spl.bin
sudo fastboot reboot
# flash uboot partition
sudo fastboot flash uboot u-boot-with-spl.bin
Finally, flash boot & rootfs into SD card:
mv nixos-licheepi4a-sd-image-*-riscv64-linux.img.zst nixos-lp4a.img.zst
zstd -d nixos-lp4a.img.zst
# please replace `/dev/sdX` with your SD card's device name
sudo dd if=nixos-lp4a.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress
# fix the wrong physical sector size
sudo parted /dev/sdb
Now insert the SD card into the board, and power on, you should see NixOS booting.
Due to the problem of the image, you need to resize the rootfs manually after the first boot.
To flash the image into the board's eMMC, you need to flash the image into the SD Card and boot into NixOS via it first.
Then, use the following command to flash the image into the board's eMMC:
# upload the sdImage to the NixOS system on the board
scp nixos-lp4a.img lp4a@<ip-of-your-board>:~/
# login to the board via ssh or serial port
ssh lp4a@<ip-of-your-board>
# check all the block devices
# you should see mmcblk0(eMMC) & mmcblk1(SD card)
$ lsblk
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29.1G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 240M 0 part
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 1.6G 0 part
mmcblk0boot0 179:8 0 4M 1 disk
mmcblk0boot1 179:16 0 4M 1 disk
mmcblk1 179:24 0 117.8G 0 disk
├─mmcblk1p1 179:25 0 200M 0 part
└─mmcblk1p2 179:26 0 117.5G 0 part /nix/store
# flash the image into the board's eMMC
sudo dd if=nixos-lp4a.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M status=progress
After the flash is complete, remove the SD card and reboot, you should see NixOS booting from eMMC.
Due to the problem of the image, you need to resize the rootfs manually after the first boot.
You can use this flake as an input to build your own configuration. Here is an example configuration that you can use as a starting point: Demo - Deployment
LicheePi 4A use RevyOS officially. The basic idea of this repo is to use revyos's kernel, u-boot and opensbi, with a NixOS rootfs, to get NixOS running on LicheePi 4A.
RevyOS's kernel, u-boot and opensbi:
And other efforts to bring Fedora to LicheePi 4A:
And other efforts to bring NixOS to RISC-V:
Special thanks to @NickCao, @revyos, @chainsx and @zhaofengli.