Create a sitemap image using Graphviz.
The script takes an URL as input and generates a GraphViz (.gv) graph at the output. The graph is a representation of the website starting at the given URL. The GraphViz graph can then be processed using the GraphViz tool set (e.g., dot) to produce an image.
The script can generate screenshots for each page using the python-webkit2png library which needs to be installed separately. Use the --getscreenshots option.
python -h
usage: [-h] [--authurl AUTHURL] [--authpayload AUTHPAYLOAD]
[--ignoreid] [--skipself] [--skipbase] [--skipbaseback]
[--skipauth SKIPAUTH] [--skipdownload SKIPDOWNLOAD]
[--getscreenshots] [--skipscreenshot SKIPSCREENSHOT]
Crawl website and output GraphViz input file containing sitemap.
positional arguments:
baseurl Base URL of the website.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--authurl AUTHURL URL for POST authentication.
--authpayload AUTHPAYLOAD
Payload for the POST authentication. e.g.,
'{"username": "foo", "password": "bar"}'
--ignoreid Ignore URLs where the difference is just an integer.
e.g., if http://foo/1/bar and http://foo/2/bar are
both present only one of them is visited.
--skipself Skip edges pointing to the same pages they are
originating from.
--skipbase Repress base URL from the sitemap
--skipbaseback Repress links back to base URL from the sitemap
--skipauth SKIPAUTH Repress authentication URLs containing the given
string from the sitemap
--skipdownload SKIPDOWNLOAD
Skip downloading the URLs containing the given string.
--getscreenshots Take screenshots of each page for use as node image.
--skipscreenshot SKIPSCREENSHOT
Repress authentication URLs containing the given
string from the sitemap
python > sitemap.gv
dot -Tpng sitemap.gv -o sitemap.png