The typomania project is a port to Rust of the excellent typogard
originally by a team led by Matthew Taylor at the University of Kansas and
published alongside the Defending Against Package Typosquatting
paper, and adapted by Dan Gardner for specifically.
Rather than being hard coded to a specific registry, this crate provides the
same set of primitives that typogard
uses to detect potential typosquatting as
a reusable library that can be adapted to any registry by implementing the
traits provided in this crate.
(enabled by default): enablesHarness::check
, which provides functionality to check many packages in parallel using Rayon.
A basic example is provided in examples/
that fakes a registry and then matches packages against it. To see it operate
with some packages that generate potential typosquats, try:
cargo run --example registry -- -t abc,foo,foo-2 foo2 abd
An example project that uses this crate to analyse a database dump can
be found at typomania-crates
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