Running Alpino inside Docker.
About Alpino:
If you are using Docker for Windows you need alpino.cmd
In the examples below substitute alpino.cmd
for alpino.bash
If you are using Docker Toolbox you need alpino.bash
Linux, Mac
You need alpino.bash
If you have been using an older version of alpino.bash
, you may need
to update the Docker image:
alpino.bash -u
There are two ways of starting Alpino in Docker.
1— This brings you into a bash shell inside Docker, where you can run Alpino itself:
alpino.bash $HOME/alpino
Inside the shell, there is a virtual directory ~/data
that corresponds
to the real directory you gave as an argument to the script, in this
case $HOME/alpino
. You use it to save and access data on your regular
file system.
2— You can also run a single command, without going to the shell first:
alpino.bash $HOME/alpino Alpino
In this case, there is no directory ~/data
in Docker, but there is
with the same purpose.
Inside Docker, you can run Alpino interactively, or as a command line tool.
If you have access to an X11 server, then this starts the Alpino GUI:
This starts and interactive version of Alpino without the GUI:
Alpino -notk
This tokenizes and parses the text from ~/voorbeelden/weerbericht.txt
and saves the results in the directory ~/data/xml
cd ~/data
mkdir xml
partok ~/voorbeelden/weerbericht.txt | Alpino -flag treebank xml debug=1 end_hook=xml user_max=900000 -parse
If you have access to an X11 server, you can view the generated trees:
dtview xml/*.xml
... or edit the trees:
dttred xml/*.xml
Create a corpus in the DACT format:
cd xml
mkcorpus ../weer.dact *.xml
cd ..
... and inspect the corpus with the dact program:
dact weer.dact