The new Rubixgoplatform support command line options to run/configure the Rubix node. To run the application use the follwing format.
./rubixgoplatform <cmd> <options>
Use the following commands
-v : To get tool version
-h : To get help
run : To run the rubix core
ping : Use the command to ping the peer
Run Command : To run the Rubix node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform run -p node1 -n 0 -s -testNet
This following options are used to run the Rubix node
-n uint
Node number
-p string
Working directory path (default "./")
-s Start the core
Run as test net
-testNetKey string
Test net key (default "testswarm.key")
Ping Command : To ping any peer in network use this command.
./rubixgoplatform ping -peerID 12D3KooWKr8dEQiLXuKacxDCZiHePVEMpgjxk19C3QozuUVQcQHA -port <port>
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-peerID string
Peerd ID
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Add Bootstrap Command : To add bootstrap to node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform addbootstrap -peers /ip4/
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-peers string
Bootstrap peers, mutiple peers will be seprated by comma
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Remove Bootstrap Command : To remove bootstrap from node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform removebootstrap -peers /ip4/
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-peers string
Bootstrap peers, mutiple peers will be seprated by comma
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Remove All Bootstrap Command : To remove all bootstrap from node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform removeallbootstrap
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Get All Bootstrap Command : To get all bootstrap from node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform getallbootstrap
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Create DID Command : To create DID use this command.
./rubixgoplatform createdid
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-didType int
DID type (0-Basic Mode, 1-Standard Mode, 2-Wallet Mode, 3-Child Mode, 4-Light Mode) (default 0)
-didSecret string
DID secret (default "My DID Secret")
-privPWD string
Private key password (default "mypassword")
-quorumPWD string
Quroum key password (default "mypassword")
-imgFile string
Image file to create DID (Must be 256x256 PNG image) (default "image.png")
-didImgFile string
DID image file name (default "did.png")
-privImgFile string
DID private share image file name (default "pvtShare.png")
-pubImgFile string
DID public share image file name (default "pubShare.png")
-privKeyFile string
DID private key file name (default "pvtKey.pem")
-pubKeyFile string
DID public key file name (default "pubKey.pem")
-mnemonicKeyFile string
Mnemonic key file (default "mnemonic.txt")
-ChildPath int
BIP Child Path (default 0)
-fp forcepassword
This flag prompts to enter the password in terminal
_Note: Use Light mode for PKI based authentication with backward compatiblity to PKI+NLSS based sign, and Basic mode for PKI+NLSS based authentication._
Get All DID Command : To get all DID use this command.
./rubixgoplatform getalldid
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To Register DID Command : To register DID & PeerID map on the network use this command.
./rubixgoplatform registerdid
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-did string
DID address (default "")
To Add Quorum List : To add quorum list use this command.
./rubixgoplatform addquorum
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-quorumList string
quorum list file name (default "quorumlist.json")
To Get All Quorum List : To get all quorum list use this command.
./rubixgoplatform getallquorum
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To Remove All Quorum List : To remove all quorum list use this command.
./rubixgoplatform removeallquorum
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To Setup Quorum : To setup quorum use this command. This setup quorum by providn quorum private key password.
./rubixgoplatform setupquorum
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-quorumPWD string
Quroum key password (default "mypassword")
Not required for lite mode (didType : 4) did
-privPWD string
Private key password (default "mypassword")
-fp forcepassword
Enter the Quroum key password in terminal
To Setup Service Command : To setup service on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform setupservice
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-srvName string
Service name (default "explorer_service")
-dbAddress string
Database address (default "localhost")
-dbName string
Explorer database name (default "ExplorerDB")
-dbPassword string
Database password (default "password")
-dbPort string
Database port number (default "1433")
-dbType string
DB Type, supported database are SQLServer, PostgressSQL, MySQL & Sqlite3 (default "SQLServer")
-dbUsername string
Database username (default "sa")
To Generate Test RBT Command : To generate test RBT on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform generatetestrbt
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-did string
DID address (default "")
-numTokens int
Number tokens to be generated (default 1)
Force password to be entered on the terminal
-privPWD string
Private key password (default "mypassword")
-privImgFile string
DID private share image file name (default "pvtShare.png")
-privKeyFile string
DID private key file name (default "pvtKey.pem")
To Transfer RBT Command : To trasnfer RBT on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform transferrbt
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-senderAddr string
Sender address (default "")
-receiverAddr string
Receiver address (default "")
-rbtAmount float
RBT amount to trasnfered (default 0.0)
-transComment string
Transfer comment (default "Test tranasaction")
-transType int
Transaction type (default 2)
Force password to be entered on the terminal
-privPWD string
Private key password (default "mypassword")
-privImgFile string
DID private share image file name (default "pvtShare.png")
-privKeyFile string
DID private key file name (default "pvtKey.pem")
To Get Account Info Command : To get account information on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform getaccountinfo
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-did string
DID address (default "")
To Dump Token Chain Command : To dump token chain on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform dumptokenchain
This following options are used for this command
-addr string
Server/Host Address (default "localhost")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-token string
Token address (default "")
To decode the dumped tokenchain : To decode the dump tokenchain on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform decodetokenchain
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To Migrate Existing Java Node to RubixGo : To dump token chain on the node use this command.
./rubixgoplatform migratenode
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Force password to be entered on the terminal
To Add explorer url : To add explorer url where to send the transaction data.
./rubixgoplatform addexplorer
This following options are used for this command
-links string
URLs, mutiple URLs will be seprated by comma
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To remove explorer url : To remove explorer url where not to send the transaction data.
./rubixgoplatform removeexplorer
This following options are used for this command
-links string
URLs, mutiple URLs will be seprated by comma
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To get all explorer urls : To get explorer urls where the transaction data is being sent.
./rubixgoplatform getallexplorer
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To add the peer details manually : To add the peer details by providing peerID, did and didType of the peer
./rubixgoplatform addpeerdetails
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-peerID string
Peerd ID
-did string
DID address (default "")
-didType int
DID type (0-Basic Mode, 1-Standard Mode, 2-Wallet Mode, 3-Child Mode, 4-Light Mode) (default 0)
To check details about the token states for which pledging has been done : To check for what token states the pledging has been done, and which tokens are pledged
./rubixgoplatform getpledgedtokendetails
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
To check tokenstatehash status : To check if a particular tokenstatehash is exhausted, i.e if it has been transferred further
./rubixgoplatform tokenstatehash
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-tokenstatehash string
TokenState Hash, for which the status needs to be checked
Validate Token Chain Command : To validate RBT and smart contract token chain
./rubixgoplatform validatetokenchain
This following options are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-did string
DID address (default "")
-sctValidation bool
(default false) provide in case of smart contract token chain validation
-token string
token ID (default "")
-allmyTokens bool
(default false) provide to validate all tokens from tokens table
-blockCount int
number of blocks of the token chain to be validated (default 0)
NOTE: Don't provide the flag -blockCount in case you want to validate all the blocks of the token chain
Create FT Command : To create FTs
./rubixgoplatform createft
The following flags are used for this command
-did string
DID address (default "")
-ftName string
Name of the FT to be created (default "")
-ftCount integer
Number of FTs to be created (default "0")
-rbtAmount integer
Amount of RBT to be used for creating the FT (default "0")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Transfer FT Command : To transfer FT
./rubixgoplatform transferft
The following flags are used for this command
-ftName string
Name of the FT to be transferred (default "")
-ftCount integer
Number of FTs to be created (default "0")
-senderAddr string
Sender address (default "")
-receiverAddr string
Receiver address (default "")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-transType int
Transaction type (default 2)
-fp string
Force password to authenticate transfer (default "")
-creatorDID string
FT Creator DID address (default "")
NOTE: -fp flag is used when there is a password already created during DID creation
-creatorDID flag is used when there are multiple FTs with same name
Get FT Info Command : To get info of all FTs with the DID.
./rubixgoplatform getftinfo
The following flags are used for this command
-did string
DID address (default "")
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
Dump FT command : To dump the token chain of an FT.
./rubixgoplatform dumpft
This following flags are used for this command
-port string
Server/Host port (default "20000")
-token string
FT token ID (default "")