This repository documents my journey in the 100 Days of SwiftUI challenge. While probably not being able to consistently commit to completing the daily challenge everyday, I will take it slow and be persistent to get as far as my availability allows me to, while embracing the exploration of Swift and SwiftUI as a whole.
- Day 1-15: Getting familiar with Swift, a programming language for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.
- Day 16-18: Project 1 - WeSplit
- Day 19: Mini Challenge 1 - UnitConverter
- Day 20-22: Project 2 - GuessDaFlag
- Day 23-24: Project 3 - Views and Modifiers in depth (technique project)
- Day 25: Milestone 1 - RockPaperScissors
- Day 26-28: Project 4 - BetterRest
- Day 29-31: Project 5 - WordScramble
- Day 32-34: Project 6 - Animations (technique project)
- Day 35: Milestone 2 - MATHertainment
- Day 36-38: Project 7 - iExpense
- Day 39-42: Project 8 - Moonshot
- Day 43-46: Project 9 - Navigation (technique project)
- Day 47: Milestone 3 - HabitTracker
- Day 48: Break day - Watch videos about Swift and SwiftUI
- Day 49-52: Project 10 - CupcakeCorner