An Art-Net library for Wifi-Arduino's. Tested on ESP8266, ESP32, Pi Pico W, WiFi101 (e.g. MKR1000) and WiFiNINA (e.g. NANO 33 IoT) devices.
Note: this library assumes you are using a wifi module.
Based on master
Navigate to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...,
then search for ArtnetWifi
and the library will show up. Click Install and the library is ready to use.
$ pio init --board nodemcuv2
$ pio lib install artnetwifi
Place this in your ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
Different examples are provided, here is a summary of what each example does.
Simple test for WiFi, serial and Art-Net.
Example output (Serial Monitor, 115200 Baud):
DMX: Univ: 0, Seq: 0, Data (48): 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
If this example is not working, don't try anything else!
See ArtnetWifiDebug.
Note: Not all controllers support this type of code!
This example will receive multiple universes via Art-Net and control a strip of WS2812 LEDs via the FastLED library. It is similar to the NeoPixel example but it will work on the ESP32 and the ESP8266 controller as well.
This example will receive multiple universes via Art-Net and control a strip of WS2811 LEDs via Adafruit's NeoPixel library.
This is a simple transmitter. Send 3 byte over into the Art-Net, to make a RGB light ramp-up in white.
The examples FastLED
and NeoPixel
can utilize many universes to light up hundreds of LEDs.
Normaly Art-Net frame can handle 512 bytes. Divide this by 3 colors, so a single universe can
have 170.66 LEDs. For easy access, only 170 LEDs are used. The last 2 byte per universe are "lost".
Example: 240 LEDs, 720 Byte, 2 Universes
Universe "1"
Byte | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 508 | 509 | 510 | 511 | 512 |
Color | R | G | B | ... | R | G | B | x | x |
LED | 1 | 1 | 1 | ... | 170 | 170 | 170 |
Universe "2"
Byte | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 208 | 209 | 210 |
Color | R | G | B | ... | R | G | B |
LED | 171 | 171 | 171 | ... | 240 | 240 | 240 |
You only have to send 510 byte DMX-data per frame. Extra byte(s) at the end will be ignored!
Art-Net(tm) is a trademark of Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd. The Art-Net protocol and associated documentation is copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd.