javabytecode: add support for fc35
javabytecode: set default version to 55
Revert "javabytecode: set default version to 55"
Note the RELEASING section is for the package maintainer
Mention Fedora Linux in the package description
Drop 'rawhide' files from data subdirectories
add new license: AHFL
Add SUID-to-root binary for the PAMv2 MariaDB authentication plugin
Add SUID-to-root binary for the PAMv2 MariaDB authentication plugin
Add /var/log/ts-shell to fileinfo/f35
/var/log/ts-shell is a directory
Bump version to 1.6
Add expected bytecode version for f36
Add 'macrofiles' section to the fedora.yaml config file.
Add 'icons/' subdirectory
Correct a lot of product version filenames
Add security/ containing product security workflow files
Add 'types' and 'unicode' blocks to fedora.yaml
new*idmap: remove permissions check
Add TTYP0 (a variant of MIT)
Fix a syntax error
Copr and release build updates and README updates
Update spec file to reflect new packaging style and build
README formatting
More README updates
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