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Protein conformal retrieval

Code and notebooks from Functional protein mining with conformal guarantees (2024). All data can be found in our Zenodo link. Results can be reproduced through executing the data preparation notebooks in each of the subdirectories before running conformal protein retrieval.


Clone the repository, install dependancies:

git clone
cd conformal-protein-retrieval
`pip install -e .`


  • ./protein_conformal: utility functions to creating confidence sets and assigning probabilities to any protein machine learning model for search
  • ./scope: experiments pertraining to SCOPe
  • ./pfam: notebooks demonstrating how to use our techniques to calibrate false discovery and false negative rates for different pfam classes
  • ./ec: experiments pertraining to EC number classification on uniprot
  • ./data: scripts and notebooks used to process data
  • ./clean_selection: scripts and notebooks used to process data

Getting started

After cloning + running the installation steps, you can use our scripts out of the box for calibrated search and generating probabilities of exact or partial hits against Pfam/EC domains, as well as for custom datasets utilizing other models beyond Protein-Vec/Foldseek. If searching using the Pfam calibration data to control FNR/FDR rates, download pfam_new_proteins.npy from the Zenodo link above.

Creating calibration datasets

To create your own calibration dataset for search and scoring hits with Venn-Abers probabilities, we provide an example notebook for how we create our Pfam dataset with Protein-Vec embeddings. This code should work for any arbitrary embeddings from popular models for search (ex: ESM, Evo, gLM2, TM-Vec, ProTrek, etc). This notebook can be found in ./data/create_pfam_data.ipynb'. We provide a script to embed your query and lookup databases with Protein-Vec as well, ./protein_conformal/, which can then be used to create calibration datasets for Pfam domain search.

Note: Make sure that your calibration dataset of protein sequences and annotations is outside the training dataset of your embedding model!

Running search using a calibrated dataset

# Example: search with viral domains of unknown function with FDR control of 10% (exact matches) against Pfam
python scripts/ \
    --fdr \
    --fdr_lambda 0.99996425 \
    --output ./data/partial_pfam_viral_hits.csv \
    --query_embedding ../protein-vec/src_run/viral_domains.npy \
    --query_fasta ../protein-vec/src_run/viral_domains.fasta \
    --lookup_embedding ./data/lookup_embeddings.npy \
    --lookup_fasta ./data/lookup_embeddings_meta_data.tsv

Where each of the flags are described as follows:

--fdr: use FDR risk control (pass one of --fdr or --fnr, not both)
--fnr: use FNR risk control 
--fdr_lambda: If precomputed a FDR lambda (embedding similarity threshold), pass here
--fnr_lambda: If precomputed a FNR lambda (embedding similarity threshold), pass here
--k: Maximimal number of neighbours to keep with FAISS per query (default of 1000 nearest neighbours)
--save_inter: save FAISS similarity scores and indicies, before running conformal-protein-retrieval
--alpha: alpha value for the calibration algorithm
--num_trails: If running calibration here, number of trials to run risk control for (randomly shuffling the calibration and test sets), default is 100.
--n_calib: number of calibration datapoints
--delta: delta value for the algorithm (default: 0.5)
--output: output CSV for the results
--add_date: add date to the output filename.
--query_embedding: query file with the embeddings (.npy format)
--query_fasta: input file containing the query sequences and metadata
--lookup_embedding: lookup file with the embeddings (.npy format)
--lookup_fasta: input file containing the lookup sequences and metadata.

Generating probabilities for exact/partial functional matches.

Given a calibration dataset with similarities and binary labels indicating exact/partial matches, we provide a script to use simplified Venn-Abers/isotonic regression to get a probability for ach hit based on the embedding similarity.

python scripts/ \
    --cal_data ./data/pfam_new_proteins.npy \  # Path to calibration data
    --output ./data/pfam_sims_to_probs.csv \  # Path to save similarity-probabilities mapping
    --partial \                              # Flag to also generate probability of partial hit
    --n_bins 1000 \                          # Number of bins for linspace between min, max similarity scores
    --n_calib 100                            # Number of calibration datapoints to use

Indexing against similarity-score bins to get probabilities of exact/partial matches.

Given a dataframe containing columns of the form {similarity, prob_exact_p0, prob_exact_p1, prob_partial_p0, prob_partial_p1}, we can utilize it to compute probabilities for new embedding searches given a dataframe of query-lookup similarity scores:

python scripts/ \
    --precomputed \                               # Use precomputed similarity-to-probability mappings
    --precomputed_path ./data/pfam_sims_to_probs.csv \  # Path to the precomputed probabilities
    --input ./data/results_no_probs.csv \         # Input dataframe with similarity scores and query-lookup metadata
    --output ./data/results_with_probs.csv \      # Output dataframe with added probability columns
    --partial                                     # Include probabilities for partial hits

Requests for new features

If there are certain features/models you'd like to see expanded support/guidance for, please raise an issue with details of the i) model, and ii) search tasks you're looking to apply this work towards. We look forward to hearing from you!

Citing our work

We'd appreciate if you cite our paper if you have used these models, notebooks, or examples for your own embedding/search tasks. The BibTex is available below:

  title={Functional protein mining with conformal guarantees},
  author={Boger, Ron S and Chithrananda, Seyone and Angelopoulos, Anastasios N and Yoon, Peter H and Jordan, Michael I and Doudna, Jennifer A},
  journal={Nature Communications},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group}