Changes since the last release
- It's now less likely that instant prompt won't appear when restarting Powerlevel10k after an update.
- Powerlevel10k now works around bugs in Zsh that cause vim suspension when you exit from
- If configuration wizard wants to run on startup but there is instant prompt, it will not abort instant prompt and clear buffered keyboard input.
- If wizard is aborted with Ctrl-C, it will now print its standard "aborted" message.
- Old Font Awesome fonts once again can be correctly classified.
- When an invalid choice is made (e.g., you press
when valid choices arey
), the key no longer gets echoed.
Message for @shibumi: https://github.com/romkatv/libgit2/archive/tag-005f77dca6dbe8788e55139fa1199fc94cc04f9a.tar.gz