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Code cov perf and bug fix in if statements (#264)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Added function to bast test suite to store global mocked functions

* Moved some logic to the utils

* Added logic to inject code that adds global mock checks at the start of function bodys

* Fixed a reversed check

* Removed new api in favor of expanding stubcall and updated injection code

* Updated some of the global function detection logic

* Unit tests, fixes, sample test project update

* removed console logs

* Transpile the file if we had to touch modify it

* Fixed global mocks and stubs not clearing

* updated some of the checks around transforming stubcall functions

* Made some code reusable and fixed some imports

* Added back the disablemocking logic and removed unused code

* Fixed bad ast related to noEarlyExit

* Updated bsc in tests app

* added tests for global stubcall on device

* Fixed some device tests

* Fixed more on device tests

* More test fixes as the result of moving to ast editor

* Fixed some indenting

* Fixed node test xml files being added after modifying assertions leading to crashes

* Updated the modify stub detection logic for globals

* more tests for global stub call modifications

* Fixed some race conditons and more global function detection refinments

* Removed some raw code statements for the session and fixed test formatting at a result

* removed trimLeading from mock util tests

* Removed some raw code statements in code cov and updated test file format

* Added a test showing the issue

* Fixed the code cov handling of if statements

* Updated test app for better covrage

* Fixed a bug with the reporting of missed files

* Improved code cov reporting perfomance

* perf optimization to cc reporting

* Some perf changed for code cov

* Fixed device by zero crash in reports for cov

* Fixed some issues picking the wrong scope and make sure stubcall worked with async tests

* Moved global stub clearing to clearStubs()
  • Loading branch information
chrisdp authored Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 71ebf84 commit 793e814
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Showing 10 changed files with 355 additions and 189 deletions.
330 changes: 219 additions & 111 deletions bsc-plugin/src/lib/rooibos/CodeCoverageProcessor.spec.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

68 changes: 35 additions & 33 deletions bsc-plugin/src/lib/rooibos/CodeCoverageProcessor.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
import type { BrsFile, Editor, ExpressionStatement, Program, ProgramBuilder, Statement } from 'brighterscript';
import { Parser, isIfStatement, WalkMode, createVisitor } from 'brighterscript';
import * as brighterscript from 'brighterscript';
import { Parser, WalkMode, createVisitor, BinaryExpression, createToken, TokenKind, GroupingExpression, isForStatement, isBlock } from 'brighterscript';
import type { RooibosConfig } from './RooibosConfig';
import { RawCodeStatement } from './RawCodeStatement';
import { BrsTranspileState } from 'brighterscript/dist/parser/BrsTranspileState';
Expand All @@ -20,23 +19,18 @@ export class CodeCoverageProcessor {

private coverageBrsTemplate = `
function RBS_CC_#ID#_reportLine(lineNumber, reportType = 1)
if = invalid
'? "global is not available in this scope!! it is not possible to record coverage: #FILE_PATH#(lineNumber)"
_rbs_ccn = m._rbs_ccn
if _rbs_ccn <> invalid
_rbs_ccn.entry = { "f": "#ID#", "l": lineNumber, "r": reportType }
return true
if m._rbs_ccn = invalid
'? "Coverage maps are not created - creating now"
if = invalid
'? "Coverage maps are not created - creating now"{
"_rbs_ccn": createObject("roSGNode", "CodeCoverage")
end if
m._rbs_ccn =
end if
end if
m._rbs_ccn.entry = {"f":"#ID#", "l":stri(lineNumber), "r":reportType}
_rbs_ccn = m?.global?._rbs_ccn
if _rbs_ccn <> invalid
_rbs_ccn.entry = { "f": "#ID#", "l": lineNumber, "r": reportType }
m._rbs_ccn = _rbs_ccn
return true
end if
return true
end function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,9 +59,7 @@ export class CodeCoverageProcessor {
private astEditor: Editor;

public generateMetadata(isUsingCoverage: boolean, program: Program) {
if (isUsingCoverage) {
this.fileFactory.createCoverageComponent(program, this.expectedCoverageMap, this.filePathMap);
this.fileFactory.createCoverageComponent(program, this.expectedCoverageMap, this.filePathMap);

public addCodeCoverage(file: BrsFile, astEditor: Editor) {
Expand All @@ -89,20 +81,30 @@ export class CodeCoverageProcessor {
ds.forToken.text = `${this.getFuncCallText(ds.range.start.line, CodeCoverageLineType.code)}: for`;
IfStatement: (ds, parent, owner, key) => {
let ifStatement = ds;
while (isIfStatement(ifStatement)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
(ifStatement as any).condition = new brighterscript.BinaryExpression(new RawCodeExpression(this.getFuncCallText(ds.condition.range.start.line, CodeCoverageLineType.branch)), brighterscript.createToken(brighterscript.TokenKind.And), (ifStatement as any).condition);
ifStatement = ifStatement.elseBranch as any;
let blockStatements = (ifStatement as any)?.statements as any[] ?? [];
if (blockStatements?.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
let coverageStatement = new RawCodeStatement(this.getFuncCallText((ifStatement as any).range.start.line - 1, CodeCoverageLineType.branch));
IfStatement: (ifStatement, parent, owner, key) => {
(ifStatement as any).condition = new BinaryExpression(
new RawCodeExpression(this.getFuncCallText(ifStatement.condition.range.start.line, CodeCoverageLineType.condition)),
new GroupingExpression({
left: createToken(TokenKind.LeftParen),
right: createToken(TokenKind.RightParen)
}, ifStatement.condition)

let blockStatements = ifStatement?.thenBranch?.statements;
if (blockStatements) {
let coverageStatement = new RawCodeStatement(this.getFuncCallText(ifStatement.range.start.line, CodeCoverageLineType.branch));
blockStatements.splice(0, 0, coverageStatement);

// Handle the else blocks
let elseBlock = ifStatement.elseBranch;
if (isBlock(elseBlock) && elseBlock.statements) {
let coverageStatement = new RawCodeStatement(this.getFuncCallText(elseBlock.range.start.line - 1, CodeCoverageLineType.branch));
elseBlock.statements.splice(0, 0, coverageStatement);

GotoStatement: (ds, parent, owner, key) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ export class CodeCoverageProcessor {

AssignmentStatement: (ds, parent, owner, key) => {
if (!brighterscript.isForStatement(parent)) {
if (!isForStatement(parent)) {
this.convertStatementToCoverageStatement(ds, CodeCoverageLineType.code, owner, key);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +188,6 @@ export class CodeCoverageProcessor {

private getFuncCallText(lineNumber: number, lineType: CodeCoverageLineType) {
return `RBS_CC_${this.fileId}_reportLine(${lineNumber.toString().trim()}, ${lineType.toString().trim()})`;
return `RBS_CC_${this.fileId}_reportLine("${lineNumber.toString().trim()}", ${lineType.toString().trim()})`;
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions framework/src/source/CodeCoverage.brs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ function init()
m.resolvedMap = {}"entry", "onEntryChange")"save", "onSave")

m.results = []
end function

function setExpectedMap()
Expand All @@ -15,20 +15,24 @@ end function

function onEntryChange()
entry =
if entry <> invalid
lineMap = m.resolvedMap[entry.f]

if lineMap = invalid
lineMap = {}
end if
lineMap[entry.l] = entry.r

m.resolvedMap[entry.f] = lineMap
end if
' defer till later
end function

function onSave()
? "saving data"
for each entry in m.results
if entry <> invalid
fileId = entry.f
lineMap = m.resolvedMap[fileId]

if lineMap = invalid
lineMap = {}
m.resolvedMap[fileId] = lineMap
end if
lineMap[entry.l] = entry.r
end if
end for = m.resolvedMap
Expand Down
36 changes: 27 additions & 9 deletions framework/src/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,39 +5,54 @@ namespace rooibos.Coverage
? "There was no rooibos code coverage component - not generating coverage report"
end if
t = createObject("roTimespan")
? ""
? "...Generating code coverage report"
? "" = true
cc =
expectedMap = cc.expectedMap
filePathMap = cc.filePathMap
resolvedMap = cc.resolvedMap

hitFiles = []
missFiles = []
allLinesCount = 0
allLinesHit = 0
for each key in cc.expectedMap
filename = cc.filePathMap[key]
expectedCount = cc.expectedMap[key].count()
for each key in expectedMap
filename = filePathMap[key]
expectedCount = expectedMap[key].count()
allLinesCount += expectedCount
if expectedCount > 0
if cc.resolvedMap[key] <> invalid
resolvedCount = cc.resolvedMap[key].count()
if resolvedMap[key] <> invalid
resolvedCount = resolvedMap[key].count()
allLinesHit += resolvedCount
resolvedPercent = (resolvedCount / expectedCount) * 100
if resolvedCount = 0
resolvedPercent = 0
resolvedPercent = (resolvedCount / expectedCount) * 100
end if
hitFiles.push({ percent: resolvedPercent, text: filename + ": " + str(resolvedPercent).trim() + "% (" + stri(resolvedCount).trim() + "/" + stri(expectedCount).trim() + ")" })
missFiles.push(filename + ": MISS!")
end if
missFiles.push(filename + ": MISS!")
end if
end for
allLinesPercent = (allLinesHit / allLinesCount) * 100
if allLinesHit = 0
allLinesPercent = 0
allLinesPercent = (allLinesHit / allLinesCount) * 100
end if
? ""
? ""
? "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
? "Code Coverage Report"
? "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
? ""
? "Total Coverage: " ; str(allLinesPercent).trim() ; "% (" ; stri(allLinesHit).trim() ; "/" + stri(allLinesCount).trim() ; ")"
? "Files: " ; cc.resolvedMap.count(); "/" ; cc.expectedMap.count()
? "Files: " ; resolvedMap.count(); "/" ; expectedMap.count()
? ""
? "---------"
Expand All @@ -51,7 +66,10 @@ namespace rooibos.Coverage
for i = 0 to missFiles.count() - 1
? missFiles[i]
end for

? ""
? "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
? "Code Coverage Report Complete"; t.totalMilliseconds(); "ms"
? "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
end function

function createLCovOutput()
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion framework/src/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ namespace rooibos = screen.getGlobalNode(){ "testsScene": scene }){
"testsScene": scene
"_rbs_ccn": createObject("roSGNode", "CodeCoverage")' bs:disable-line

if scene.hasField("isReadyToStartTests") and scene.isReadyToStartTests = false
? "The scene is not ready yet - waiting for it to set isReadyToStartTests to true"
Expand Down
21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions tests/src/components/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,27 +16,6 @@ function SetLabelText(newText = "") as void
m.nameText.text = newText
end function

function r_real_Init() as void
if["init"] <> invalid
'mock call here
end if
end function

function r_real_HelloFromNode(name, age) as string
return "HELLO " + name + " age:" + stri(age)
end function

function r_real_UpdateState(newState) as void = newState
end function

function r_real_SetLabelText(newText) as void
m.nameText.text = newText
end function

function delayCall(delay, callback) as void
timer = createObject("roSgNode", "Timer")
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/components/NodeExample.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,10 @@
<field id="state" type="string" />
<Label id="nameText" />
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions tests/src/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@

function Main(args)

? "here is my code"
? "hello"
end function

function globalFunctionWithReturn() as dynamic
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -319,6 +319,15 @@ namespace tests

@it("stubs namespace and then cleans it")
function _()
getGlobalAA().wasCalled = false
m.stubCall(testNamespace.functionWithReturn, function()
m.wasCalled = true
return true
end function)


getGlobalAA().wasCalled = false
m.stubCall(testNamespace.functionWithoutReturn, sub()
m.wasCalled = true
Expand All @@ -329,6 +338,10 @@ namespace tests



getGlobalAA().wasCalled = true

Expand All @@ -337,6 +350,15 @@ namespace tests

@it("stubs global and then cleans it")
function _()
getGlobalAA().wasCalled = false
m.stubCall(globalFunctionWithReturn, function()
m.wasCalled = true
return true
end function)


getGlobalAA().wasCalled = false
m.stubCall(globalFunctionWithoutReturn, sub()
m.wasCalled = true
Expand All @@ -347,6 +369,10 @@ namespace tests



getGlobalAA().wasCalled = true

Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/source/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,29 @@ namespace tests
m.timer.observeFieldScoped("fire", callback)
m.timer.control = "start"
end function

@it("updates state")
function _(state) = ""
m.assertEqual(, state)
end function

@it("updates name text")
function _(text)
m.node.nameText.text = ""
m.assertEqual(m.node.nameText.text, text)
end function
end class
end namespace

Expand Down

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