Project Starter for Frontend JS projects - Next JS
ESLint custom config. Uses customized rules from ESLint, and several plugins such as unicorn, import, sonarjs, promise, as well as React specific plugins react and react-hooks.
CI - TravisCI integrated and configured, runs the linting and test commands on pull requests to main branch.
Vite based NextJS minimal setup. Featuring fast build times, HMR, Typescript and JSX support out-of-the-box, assets and public folders, all CSS syntaxes, PostCSS compatibility and minification. Direct import of assets and JSON.
Gitignore file configured for all usual NodeJS/Javascript ignores.
Prettier config, explicit rules based on my VSCode Prettier settings, for consistency across projects or environments.
CSS reset & normalize.
Stylelint CSS linting, with custom rules, including the use of several plugins.
Pnpm as the package manager.
Vitest is the test runner, with sample test in the src folder and CI integrated.
Playwright E2E tests on all major browsers and CI integrated.
Main branch is protected and can only be pushed to by pull request. Husky pre-commit hook installed, runs all the linting and tests before commiting.
Dependabot installed and configured, to provide dependency updates and security warnings.
Scripts on package.json for linting js, linting css, and running tests. Both of the linting scripts have also a --fix option to fix any auto-fixable issues.