A collection of useful functions for building Beat Saber playlists based on player scores.
General usage: Fetch player data for all relevant players, pass players to playlist functions, write playlists to file.
Example usage:
const pandita = await getPlayerData('76561198186151129');
const number1sIn5Months = await playlistOfNumber1sWithinXMonths(pandita, 5);
void writePlaylist(number1sIn5Months);
To easily define additional playlist filters, playlistByPredicate
can be used.
The predicate should be of the form (playerScore: PlayerScore, index: number, playerScores: PlayerScore[]): boolean
For example, to filter to only number 1 scores:
// Returns a playlist of all songs for which the given player has #1.
async function playlistOfNumber1s(cachedPlayer: CachedPlayer): Promise<Playlist> {
const predicate: ScorePredicate = playerScore => playerScore.score.rank === 1;
const playlistName: PlayerToPlaylistName = player => `${player.name}'s #1s`;
return playlistByPredicate(cachedPlayer, predicate, playlistName);