Configurations managed via yadm.
Via Homebrew
brew bundle install --file=~/.config/homebrew/Brewfile
- Amphetamine
- Bitwarden (Installable via Homebrew but App Store preferred for browser integration)
- Docker
- Dropover
- Dropzone
- Github Desktop
- Hammerspoon
- Karabiner Elements
- Keyboard Maestro
- Later
- Mission Control Plus (Purchased)
- MonitorControl
- PopClip
- QuickShade
- Rectangle
- Shortcat
- SideNotes (Purchased)
- Vagrant
- Vimac
- VirtualBox
brew search <term>
brew install <formula>
brew install --cask <cask>
cd ~/.config/homebrew && brew bundle dump --all --force
Review changes and push.
Fallback to App Store if installation is not supported via Homebrew.
Fallback to installer if installation is not supported via Homebrew and App Store.