"Naming colors has never been this easy!" - Abraham Lincoln
A web app that provides a name for a color. EZPZ.
- Over 30,000 color names ⚡️
- Accepts both hex and rgb formats 🎨
- Color picker 🏹
If you enter #fb8a70, you'll receive the name of SALMON NIGIRI along with the hex and rgb color representations, which would be #fb8a70 and rgb(251, 138, 112), respectively.
You might be asking yourself, "What is SALMON NIGIRI"?
My answer: " Who the hell knows? 🤷"
- hex with hash (e.g. #323 or #332233)
- hex without hash (e.g. 323 or 332233)
- rgb (e.g. rgb(103, 33, 158))
- supported CSS color names (e.g. red)
- nearest-color - Utility to find nearest matching color
- tinycolor2 - Color manipulation and conversion
- color-names - List of 15,000+ color names accessible through their API
- jscolor-picker - A color picker used when the browser doesn't support the native color picker display with
- David Aerne - Maintains the API for all the color names and has even contributed to the web app itself!
- Name That Color - I've used this tool a lot and is the original inspiration for this project
- David A.'s CodePen - I actually used a good deal of his code in this app with a few changes to the functionality and a different look
- "Sass Color Variables That Don't Suck" - Landon Schropp - This article outlines how I follow naming variables in my code and it requires many different names for colors, which is what motivated me to build this