Runtime Secure AST
Date : Saturday 18th January 2014 from 9am to 6pm
When : Les Satellites - coworking 6 rue du Congrès - Nice
Technical Direction : Cedric Champeau -- The Master of AST
Participant : Whoever wants to participate
- Alexandre di Costanzo @thepieuvre
- Fabrice Matrat @fabricematrat
- Corinne Krych @corinnekrych
- Sebastien Blanc @sebi2406
- Bertrand Goeztmann @bgoetzmann
- Youri Bonnaffé @youribm
Organizer : RivieraGUG
Contribution to the core Groovy langage to secure Groovy script at runtime. Enhancement to the SecureASTCustomizer in place which allows securization at compile time but do not provide security at runtime due to the dynamic nature of the langage.