A sample application with react, redux, jest and webpack.
- Sync Redux action example
- Async Redux action example (using Redux Loop)
- React Router - for handling routes
- Webpack dev and production config
- ES6 - 7 Support with Babel
- HRM - Hot module replacement support
- Sass support
- Jest - unit testing framework
- Enzyme - Testing react components
1. Clone the repository and cd react-redux-sample-app
2. Install all of the dependencies:
npm install
3. Run the app:
npm run start
4. Build production files:
npm run build
Building app in the "dist" directory. Contains the index.html with the minified assets (js, css), it's ready for production!.
npm run test
This command will run tests and create a Coverage report "coverage/lcov-report/index.html"
Watch files for changes and rerun tests related to changed files.
npm run test-watch