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A simple RESTful request API using axios and React hooks. This was born out of a prototype project to test using hooks to fetch data, and allow simple support for dealing with paged endpoints.

This is a work in progress and is not intended for production at this time.

Getting Started

There are a few ways to create and use the client in your application. The easiest is in a browser environment, is to just use the hooks directly or the <Request> component to communicate with the server at the hostname/port the browser is connect to.

If you need to customize an endpoint url or use a different hostname, you can use the ClientProvider and createClient function to create a client and pass it the base URL to your api.

import { ClientProvider, createClient } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook';

function Root() {
  const client = createClient('https://localhost:3000/api/v1');
  return (
    <ClientProvider value={client}>
      <App />

You can also use a full URL when calling the hooks or using the Request component and it will use the url as provided to make the call.

import { Request } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook`;


<Request endpoint="">
  {({ loading, error, data, links }) => (

By default, if you do not provide a client using the ClientProvider and use a realtive endpoint in Request or useEndpointData then a default client using window.location.origin as the base url will be used.

Render Prop Method

The <Request> component provides a render prop method of performing a GET Request to retrieve data from the server. This method also provides the client object as a parameter to the child function so you can make other API calls as well using this method.

<Request endpoint="/users" params={{ per_page: 5 }}>
  {({ data, loading, error, links, client}) => (
    ...your components

The child function is sent a single object that contains properties for the data returned from the server, a boolean to mark if the request is still loading or not, any errors returned or generated during the request, links for paginated endpoints, and the client object if you need to perform additional actions. See <Request> API documentation in the API section below for more information about the properties supplied.

Hooks Method

The library provides the useEndpointData hook to make a GET request to an endpoint and returns the same data as the Request component function above. The Request component is actually just a shallow wrapper call to the useEndpointData hook.

import React from 'react';
import { useEndpointData } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook`;

export default function MyComponent() {
  const [ data, loading, error, links, client ] = useEndpointData('/users', { params: { per_page: 5 }});
  return (
    ... your component jsx

See useEndpointData for details on the hook parameters and return data.



This is base object that is used to make requests to the server. It is recommended that you do not create this object but instead use createClient to create a new client.

Both Request and useEndpointData will also provide the client object so you can use it to make other requests to the server such as a put/post/delete.

import client from '@riledupco/react-request-hook/client';


The client object contains 4 functions that can be used to communicate with the server.

  • get
  • put
  • post
  • postMultipart
  • delete

Runs a GET operation on the provided path and returns the data.


  • path (string) The complete URL of the endpoint to post.
  • options (object) Options for the request. See for all valid properties that can be sent in the options object.
    • .params (object) Key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the request.
    • .headers (object) Key/value pairs of headers to set on the request
  • instance (axios) (optional) Used to pass a custom axios instance to use instead of the global one.


  • (object) With the following properties:

    • ok (boolean) False if the response contains an error.

    • status (number) The http status code of the response.

    • statusText (string) statusText A message if provided to describe the status response. Null if none was supplied.

    • data (object|array) The data from the server.

    • links (object) The links object containing any link header URLS. All properties are guranteed to be present, but will be set to null if the link does not exist in the header. Otherwise, it will be set to the string URL value.

      • next (string) The URL to get the next page.
      • prev (string) The URL to get the previous page.
      • first (string) The URL to get the first page.
      • last (string) The URL to get the last page.

See for other properties sent in the request object..

// GET
client.get('', { params: { limit: 10 }}):
// GET
client.get('', { header: { `Accept`: 'application/json' }}):
// GET HEADERS 'Accept: application/json'

Runs a PUT operation on the provided path and returns the data.


  • path (string) The complete URL of the endpoint to put.
  • data (object) The data to put to the server.
  • options (object) Options for the request. See for all valid properties that can be sent in the options object.
    • .params (object) Key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the request.
    • .headers (object) Key/value pairs of headers to set on the request
  • instance (axios) (optional) Used to pass a custom axios instance to use instead of the global one.


  • (object) With the following properties:
    • ok (boolean) False if the response contains an error.
    • status (number) The http status code of the response.
    • statusText (string) statusText A message if provided to describe the status response. Null if none was supplied.
    • data (object|array) The data from the server.

See for other properties sent in the request object..

client.put('', { foo: 'bar' }):
// PUT '{"foo": "bar" }'
client.put('', { foo: 'bar'}, { params: { limit: 10 }}):
// PUT '{"foo": "bar" }'

Runs a POST operation on the provided path and returns the data.


  • path (string) The complete URL of the endpoint to post.
  • data (object) The data to post to the server.
  • options (object) Options for the request. See for all valid properties that can be sent in the options object.
    • .params (object) Key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the request.
    • .headers (object) Key/value pairs of headers to set on the request
  • instance (axios) (optional) Used to pass a custom axios instance to use instead of the global one.


  • (object) With the following properties:
    • ok (boolean) False if the response contains an error.
    • status (number) The http status code of the response.
    • statusText (string) statusText A message if provided to describe the status response. Null if none was supplied.
    • data (object|array) The data from the server.

See for other properties sent in the request object..'', { foo: 'bar' }):
// POST '{"foo": "bar" }''', { foo: 'bar'}, { params: { limit: 10 }}):
// POST '{"foo": "bar" }'

Performs a POST request to the server.

Runs a POST operation on the provided path and returns the data, but before sending will convert data into a FormData object to send as a postMultipart message.

Note: Will always use axios xhr instance for this request since http can't use FormMultipart.


  • path (string) The complete URL of the endpoint to post.
  • data (object) The data/file to post to the server as FormData.
  • options (object) Options for the request. See for all valid properties that can be sent in the options object.
    • .params (object) Key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the request.
    • .headers (object) Key/value pairs of headers to set on the request
  • instance (axios) (optional) Used to pass a custom axios instance to use instead of the global one.


  • (object) With the following properties:
    • ok (boolean) False if the response contains an error.
    • status (number) The http status code of the response.
    • statusText (string) statusText A message if provided to describe the status response. Null if none was supplied.
    • data (object|array) The data from the server.

See for other properties sent in the request object.'', "file"):
// POST  FormData'', "file", { params: { limit: 10 }}):
// POST FormData

Runs a DELETE operation on the provided path and returns the data.


  • path (string) The complete URL of the endpoint to delete.
  • options (object) Options for the request. See for all valid properties that can be sent in the options object.
    • .params (object) Key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the request.
    • .headers (object) Key/value pairs of headers to set on the request
  • instance (axios) (optional) Used to pass a custom axios instance to use instead of the global one.


  • (object) With the following properties:
    • ok (boolean) False if the response contains an error.
    • status (number) The http status code of the response.
    • statusText (string) statusText A message if provided to describe the status response. Null if none was supplied.
    • data (object|array) The data from the server.

See for other properties sent in the request object..

client.delete('', { params: { query: 'foo' }}):


This function creates a new client. It's preferred over using client itself as you can set the base URL and headers using createClient where with client you will have to pass full URLs to every request.

import { createClient } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook';


The ClientProvider allows for a client to be set as the default client for all requests in the component tree below the provider. You can use createClient to create a client with a specific base url then use relative endpoints in all Request or useEndpointData calls to get information from the server.

In addition to being able to set the base url, you can also set headers and other information for every request to use.


import { createClient, ClientProvider } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook';

function Root() {
  const client = createClient('https://localhost:3000/api/v1');
  return (
    <ClientProvider value={client}>
      <App />


This is a hook to perform a GET request to retrieve data.

import { useEndpointData } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook';


useEndpointData takes two parameters, the require endpoint path and an optional options object.

  • path string The relative path or full URL of the endpoint to make the GET request. If you provide a realtive path, then the hook will try to append the path to the current hostname. If <ClientProvider> was used, then it will use the client and appent to the base url configured in that client instance.
  • options object Object to provide options to the endpoint. It can contain any of the following properties.
    • params object Key/value pair of parameters to append to the URL. Eg { per_page: 5 } to append ?per_page=5 to the url.
    • headers object Key/value pairs of headers to attach to the request.


import { Request } from '@riledupco/react-request-hook';

Request is a render prop function that takes endpoint information as params and a single function as the child to the component which passes the data and other information about the request.


  • endpoint string The endpoint to retrieve data from. This can be just the endpoint path (eg /users) or the full url ( If you wish to use the endpoint path in non browser environments or to an endpoint that does not match the hostname of the current page, then you must either provide the client property or configure the <ClientProvider> so Request can build the full URL.

    If the endpoint is changed, then the request will be made again.

  • params object Key/value pairs to send as parameters to the GET request.

  • client object (optional) The client object if required to make the request.

Render function

The render function is called with a single parameter object that has the following properties:

  • data object | array The response data from the server. This is parsed as JSON and then passed as an array or object depending on the response.
  • loading boolean True when the request is still pending.
  • error RequestError If an error occurs during the request, either locally in the app or a response from the server, then this object will be set with the error information. This property will be null if no error occurs, or if the request is pending.
  • link Links An object containing pagination links as sent from the servers Link header.
  • client Client The client object used to make this Request. Can be used to make other requests to the server.

Request Error

TODO: define request error and ensure all errors follow this format.


When an endpoint supports Pagination, the response will contain a link object. This is passed either as a parameter to the render prop, or as an item in the array return value from the hook.

The Link object has the following properties. The object is guranteed to have the properties, even if the endpoint doesn't support Pagination. Any property that is not found in the Links header will be set to null.

TODO document the props and that it's functions not urls.


Work still to be done or is in progress

  • Need to be able to make delete/put calls to the backend.
  • Tests. Need a lot of tests for the hooks, streams, and provider Components.
  • More documentation for the API. Need to fill out the file comments in the API code to better document usage and options and the different ways I think this API will be used in the app.
  • PropTypes. I need to ensure all Prop Types for non test Component code is documentated and added with defaults as required.
  • Document axios options and where they can be used.

Created initially with CodeSandbox


A react hooks wrapper for axios.







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