This is a submission for the Android Intermediate class from In this project, I used Jetpack Compose, Room, Paging 3, and Android Clean Architecture.
The checklist from the class:
✅ The login process is successful
✅ The registration process is successful
✅ Creating a custom EditText view according to the criteria
✅ Storing session and token data in preferences
✅ There is a logout feature to delete the session
✅ Displaying a list of stories from the API
✅ A detail page appears when one of the story items is pressed
✅ The process of adding a new story is successful according to the criteria
✅ Creating animations in the application
✅ Displaying the list of stories on a map correctly.
✅ Displaying the list of stories correctly using Paging 3.
✅ Implementing unit tests on functions in each ViewModel.