A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an SQLalchemy database.
Originally a marie fork - Kigyō has evolved further and was built to be more beneficial for Anime Chats.
It can be found on telegram as Kigyō.
The Support group can be reached out to at Eagle Union, where you can ask for help setting up our bot in your group, discover/request new features, report bugs, and stay in the loop whenever a new update is available.
git clone https://github.com/rezavpn/HOSHINO-BOT
cd EnterpriseALRobot
cp sample_config.ini config.ini
- Fill in all the vars
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
- And finally
python3 -m tg_bot
For queries or any issues regarding the bot please open an issue ticket or visit us at Eagle Union