#Ficus Realtime audio sampler api for linux devs
This development library provides your application with both multichannel playback/capture of mono wav audio files and all the flexibility and routing possibilities of a JACK client.
Ficus is distributed as a group of source files, settings like available number of input/output channels and storage banks are available as compile-time options through the configuration file, config.h
Copy the libficus files to your target build directory
$ git clone https://github.com/bonemurmurer/ficus.git
$ cp -r ficus/* yourprogram/.
Build your application as if you were including any other .c source file
$ gcc -o yourprogram yourprogram.c libficus.c rtqueue.c -lsndfile -ljack
All available Ficus functions are listed in libficus.h
For usage see README and source files in 'examples/' directory