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Set zsh as the login shell.

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Install rcm.

brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install rcm



git clone git:// $HOME/Code/reshleman/dotfiles


env RCRC=$HOME/Code/reshleman/dotfiles/rcrc rcup

This command will create symlinks for reshleman config files in the home directory. The RCRC environment variable tells rcup to use the configuration options from the rcrc file:

  • Exclude the and LICENSE files, which do not need to be symlinked.
  • Give precedence to overrides in private-dotfiles over those in this repository.

After the initial installation, you can run rcup without the one-time variable RCRC being set (rcup will symlink the repo's rcrc to ~/.rcrc for future runs of rcup).

rcup can safely be run multiple times to update.

rcup should be run after pulling a new version of the repository to symlink any new files in the repository.

zsh Configurations

Additional zsh configuration can go under the ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs directory. This has two special subdirectories: pre for files that must be loaded first, and post for files that must be loaded last.

What's in it?

vim configuration:

  • Set <leader> to a single space.
  • Use vim-plug to manage plugins.
  • fzf for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
  • Rails.vim for enhanced navigation of Rails file structure via gf and :A (alternate), :Rextract partials, :Rinvert migrations, etc.
  • Run many kinds of tests from vim
  • Syntax highlighting for Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Elixir, more.
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Map <leader>ct to re-index Exuberant Ctags.
  • Use vim-mkdir for automatically creating non-existing directories before writing the buffer.
  • Ag plugin
  • Solarized colorscheme
  • Customizations for GUI Vim
  • Switch between the last two files with space-space.

git configuration:

  • My name and email
  • Adds a create-branch alias to create feature branches.
  • Adds a delete-branch alias to delete feature branches.
  • Adds a merge-branch alias to merge feature branches into master.
  • Adds an up alias to fetch and rebase origin/master into the feature branch. Use git up -i for interactive rebases.
  • Adds post-{checkout,commit,merge} hooks to re-index your ctags.
  • Adds trust-bin alias to append a project's bin/ directory to $PATH.

tmux configuration:

  • C-s prefix key
  • More intuitive pane splitting with prefix-minus and prefix-backslash
  • Vim-like keybindings for pane switching, with awareness of vim splits
  • Resize panes with {Shift,Ctrl}-{Left,Right,Up,Down}
  • Use vim-tmux-runner
  • <prefix>C-b and <prefix>K to break and kill sessions without exiting tmux
  • Integrate w/ system clipboard in copy mode

Much of this tmux configuration is based on the Upcase tmux course and Chris Toomey's dotfiles.

zsh configuration and aliases:

  • Prompt customization
  • b for bundle.
  • g with no arguments is git status and with arguments acts like git.
  • migrate for rake db:migrate && rake db:rollback && rake db:migrate.
  • mcd to make a directory and change into it.
  • replace foo bar **/*.rb to find and replace within a given list of files.
  • tat to attach to tmux session named the same as the current directory.
  • v for $VISUAL.


Lots of this configuration is based on thoughtbot/dotfiles.


My dotfiles (.vimrc, .zshrc, etc.)







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