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Practical part of the "Head First Android Development" book.

Chapter 1. Getting started: Diving in

Key points:

  • Versions of Android have a version number, API level, and code name.
  • Android Studio is a special version of IntelliJ IDEA that interfaces with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Gradle build system.
  • A typical Android app is composed of activities, layouts, and resource files.
  • Layouts describe what your app looks like. They’re held in the app/src/main/res/layout folder.
  • Activities describe what your app does, and how it interacts with the user. The activities you write are held in the app/src/main/java folder.
  • AndroidManifest.xml contains information about the app itself. It lives in the app/src/main folder.
  • An AVD is an Android Virtual Device. It runs in the Android emulator and mimics a physical Android device.
  • An APK is an Android application package. It’s like a JAR file for Android apps, and contains your app’s bytecode, libraries, and resources. You install an app on a device by installing the APK.
  • Android apps run in separate processes using the Android runtime (ART).
  • The <TextView> element is used for displaying text.

Chapter 2. Building Interactive Apps: Apps that do something

Key points:

  • The <Button> element is used to add a button.
  • The <Spinner> element is used to add a spinner, which is a drop-down list of values.
  • All GUI components are types of view. They inherit from the Android View class.
  • strings.xml is a String resource file. It’s used to separate out text values from the layouts and activities, and supports localization.
  • Add a String to strings.xml using:
<string name="name">Value</string>
  • Reference a String in the layout using: "@string/name"
  • Add an array of String values to strings.xml using:
<string-array name="array">
  • Reference a string-array in the layout using: "@array/array_name"
  • Make a button call a method when clicked by adding the following to the layout: android:onClick="clickMethod"
  • There needs to be a corresponding method in the activity:
public void clickMethod(View view) { 
    // ...
  • is generated for you. It enables you to get references for layouts, GUI components, Strings, and other resources in your Java code.
  • Use findViewById() to get a reference to a view.
  • Use setText() to set the text in a view.
  • Use getSelectedItem() to get the selected item in a spinner.
  • Add a custom class to an Android project by going to File menu → New ... → Java Class.

Chapter 3. Multiple Activities and Intents: State your intent

Key points:

  • A task is two or more activities chained together.
  • The <EditText> element defines an editable text field for entering text. It inherits from the Android View class.
  • You can add a new activity in Android Studio by choosing File → New... → Activity.
  • Each activity you create must have an entry in AndroidManifest.xml.
  • An intent is a type of message that Android components use to communicate with one another.
  • An explicit intent specifies the component the intent is targeted at. You create an explicit intent using:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Target.class);
  • To start an activity, call startActivity(intent). If no activities are found, it throws an ActivityNotFoundException.
  • Use the putExtra() method to add extra information to an intent.
  • Use the getIntent() method to retrieve the intent that started the activity.
  • Use the get*Extra() methods to retrieve extra information associated with the intent. getStringExtra() retrieves a String, getIntExtra() retrieves an int, and so on.
  • An activity action describes a standard operational action an activity can perform. For example, to send a message, use Intent.ACTION_SEND.
  • To create an implicit intent that specifies an action, use:
Intent intent = new Intent(action);
  • To describe the type of data in an intent, use the setType() method.
  • Android resolves intents based on the named component, action, type of data, and categories specified in the intent. It compares the contents of the intent with the intent filters in each app’s AndroidManifest.xml. An activity must have a category of DEFAULT if it is to receive an implicit intent.
  • The createChooser() method allows you to override the default Android activity chooser dialog. It lets you specify a title for the dialog, and doesn’t give the user the option of setting a default activity. If no activities can receive the intent it is passed, it displays a message. The createChooser() method returns an Intent.
  • You retrieve the value of a String resource using getString(R.string.stringname);

Chapter 4. The Activity Lifecycle: Being an activity

Key points:

  • Each app runs in its own process by default.
  • Only the main thread can update the user interface.
  • Use a Handler to schedule code or post code to a different thread.
  • A device configuration change results in the activity being destroyed and recreated.
  • Your activity inherits the lifecycle methods from the class. If you override any of these methods, you need to call up to the method in the superclass.
  • onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) enables your activity to save its state before the activity gets destroyed. You can use the Bundle to restore state in onCreate().
  • You add values to a Bundle using bundle.put*("name", value). You retrieve values from the bundle using bundle.get*("name").
  • onCreate() and onDestroy() deal with the birth and death of the activity.
  • onRestart(), onStart(), and onStop() deal with the visibility of the activity.
  • onResume() and onPause() handle when the activity gains and loses the focus.

Chapter 5. Views and View Groups: Enjoy the view

Key points:

  • GUI components are all types of view. They are all subclasses of the android.view.View class.
  • All layouts are subclasses of the android.view.ViewGroup class. A view group is a type of view that can contain multiple views.
  • The layout XML file gets converted to a ViewGroup containing a hierarchical tree of views.
  • A linear layout lists views either horizontally or vertically. You specify the direction using the android:orientation attribute.
  • A frame layout stacks views.
  • Use android:padding* attributes to specify how much padding you want around a view.
  • In a linear layout, use android:layout_weight if you want a view to use up extra space in the layout.
  • android:layout_gravity lets you say where you want views to appear in their available space.
  • android:gravity lets you say where you want the contents to appear inside a view.
  • <ToggleButton> defines a toggle button that allows you to choose between two states by clicking a button.
  • <Switch> defines a switch control that behaves in the same way as a toggle button. It requires API level 14 or above.
  • <CheckBox> defines a checkbox.
  • To define a group of radio buttons, first use <RadioGroup> to define the radio group. Then put individual radio buttons in the radio group using <RadioButton>.
  • Use <ImageView> to display an image.
  • <ImageButton> defines a button with no text, just an image.
  • Add scrollbars using <ScrollView> or <HorizontalScrollView>.
  • A Toast is a pop-up message.

Chapter 6. Constraint Layouts: Put things in their place

Key points:

  • Constraint layouts are designed to work with Android Studio’s design editor. They have their own library and can be used in apps where the minimum SDK is API level 9 or above.
  • Position views by adding constraints. Each view needs at least one horizontal and one vertical constraint.
  • Center views by adding constraints to opposite sides of the view. Change the view’s bias to update its position between the constraints.
  • You can change a view’s size to match its constraints if the view has constraints on opposing sides.
  • You can specify a width:height aspect ratio for the view’s size.
  • Clicking on the Infer Constraints button adds constraints to views based on their position in the blueprint.

Chapter 7. List views and Adapters: Getting organized

Key points:

  • Sort your ideas for activities into top-level activities, category activities, and create / detail / edit / delete (CRUD) activities. Use the category activities to navigate from the top-level activities to the create CRUD activities.
  • A list view displays items in a list. Add it to your layout using the <ListView> element.
  • Use android:entries in your layout to populate the items in your list views from an array defined in strings.xml.
  • An adapter acts as a bridge between an AdapterView and a data source. ListViews and Spinners are both types of AdapterView.
  • An ArrayAdapter is an adapter that works with arrays.
  • Handle click events on Buttons using android:onClick in the layout code. Handle click events elsewhere by creating a listener and implementing its click event.

Chapter 8. Support Libraries and App Bars: Taking shortcuts

Key points:

  • You add a basic app bar by applying a theme that contains one.
  • The Android Support Libraries` provide backward compatibility with older versions of Android.
  • The AppCompatActivity class is a type of activity that resides in the v7 AppCompat Support Library. In general, your activity needs to extend the AppCompatActivity class whenever you want an app bar that provides backward compatibility with older versions of Android.
  • The android:theme attribute in AndroidManifest.xml specifies which theme to apply.
  • You define styles in a style resource file using the <style> element. The name attribute gives the style a name. The parent attribute specifies where the style should inherit its properties from.
  • The latest app bar features are in the Toolbar class in the v7 AppCompat Support Library. You can use a toolbar as your app bar.
  • Add actions to your app bar by adding them to a menu resource file.
  • Add the items in the menu resource file to the app bar by implementing the activity’s onCreateOptionsMenu() method.
  • You determine what items should do when clicked by implementing the activity’s onOptionsItemSelected() method.
  • Add an Up button to your app bar to navigate up the app’s hierarchy. Specify the hierarchy in AndroidManifest.xml. Use the ActionBar setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled() method to enable the Up button.
  • You can share content by adding the share action provider to your app bar. Add it by including it in your menu resource file. Call its setShareIntent() method to pass it an intent describing the content you wish to share.

Chapter 9. Fragments: Make it modular

Key points:

  • A fragment is used to control part of a screen. It can be reused across multiple activities.
  • A fragment has an associated layout.
  • The onCreateView() method gets called each time Android needs the fragment’s layout.
  • Add a fragment to an activity’s layout using the <fragment> element and adding a name attribute.
  • The fragment lifecycle methods tie in with the states of the activity that contains the fragment.
  • The Fragment class doesn’t extend the Activity class or implement the Context class.
  • Fragments don’t have a findViewById() method. Instead, use the getView() method to get a reference to the root view, then call the view’s findViewById() method.
  • A list fragment is a fragment that comes complete with a ListView. You create one by subclassing ListFragment.

Chapter 10. Fragments for Larger Interfaces: Different size, different interface

Key points:

  • Make apps look different on different devices by putting separate layouts in device-appropriate folders.
  • Android keeps track of places you’ve visited within an app by adding them to the back stack as separate transactions. Pressing the Back button pops the last transaction off the back stack.
  • Use a frame layout to add, replace, or remove fragments programmatically using fragment transactions.
  • Begin the transaction by calling the FragmentManager beginTransaction() method. This creates a FragmentTransaction object.
  • Add, replace, and delete fragments using the FragmentTransaction add(), replace(), and remove() methods.
  • Add a transaction to the back stack using the FragmentTransaction addToBackStack() method.
  • Commit a transaction using the FragmentTransaction commit() method. This applies all the updates in the transaction.
  • Save the state of a fragment’s variables in the Fragment onSaveInstanceState() method.
  • Restore the state of a fragment’s variables in the Fragment onCreate() method.

Chapter 11. Dynamic Fragments: Nesting fragments

Key points:

  • Fragments can contain other fragments.
  • If you use the android:onClick attribute in a fragment, Android will look for a method of that name in the fragment’s parent activity.
  • Instead of using the android:onClick attribute in a fragment, make the fragment implement the View.OnClickListener interface and implement its onClick() method.
  • If you use the <fragment> element in your layout, the fragment gets recreated when you rotate the device. If your fragment is dynamic, use a fragment transaction instead.
  • Fragments contain two methods for getting a fragment manager, getFragmentManager() and getChildFragmentManager().
  • getFragmentManager() gets a reference to the fragment manager associated with the fragment’s parent activity. Any fragment transactions you create using this fragment manager are added to the back stack as extra transactions.
  • getChildFragmentManager() gets a reference to the fragment manager associated with the fragment’s parent fragment. Any fragment transactions you create using this fragment manager are nested inside the parent fragment transaction.

Chapter 12. Design Support Library: Swipe right

Key points:

  • Enable swipe navigation using a view pager.
  • You tell a view pager about its pages by implementing a fragment pager adapter.
  • Use the fragment pager adapter’s getCount() method to tell the view pager how many pages it should have. Use its getItem() method to tell it which fragment should appear on each page.
  • Add tab navigation by implementing a tab layout. Put the toolbar and tab layout inside an app bar layout in your layout code, then attach the tab layout to the view pager in your activity code.
  • The tab layout comes from the Android Design Support Library. This library helps you implement the material design guidelines in your app.
  • Use a coordinator layout to coordinate animations between views.
  • Add scrollable content the coordinator layout can coordinate using a nested scroll view.
  • Use a collapsing toolbar layout to add a toolbar that collapses and grows in response to user scroll actions.
  • Use a FAB (floating action button) to promote common or important user actions.
  • A snackbar lets you display short messages that the user can interact with.

Chapter 13. Recycler Views and Card Views: Get recycling

Key points:

  • Card views and recycler views have their own Support Libraries.
  • Add a card view to a layout using the < v7.widget.CardView> element.
  • Give the card view rounded corners using the cardCornerRadius attribute. This requires a namespace of "".
  • Give the card view a drop shadow using the cardElevation attribute. This requires a namespace of "".
  • Recycler views work with adapters that are subclasses of RecyclerView.Adapter.
  • When you create your own RecyclerView.Adapter, you must define the view holder and implement the onCreateViewHolder(), onBindViewHolder(), and getItemCount() methods.
  • You add a recycler view to a layout using the < v7.widget.RecyclerView> element. You give it a scrollbar using the android:scrollbars attribute.
  • Use a layout manager to specify how items in a recycler view should be arranged. A LinearLayoutManager arranges items in a linear list, a GridLayoutManager arranges items in a grid, and a StaggeredGridLayoutManager arranges items in a staggered grid.

Chapter 14. Navigation Drawers: Going places

Key points:

  • Use a navigation drawer if you want to provide the user with a large number of shortcuts, or group them into sections.
  • Create a navigation drawer by adding a drawer layout to your activity’s layout. The drawer layout’s first element needs to be a view that defines the activity’s main content, usually a layout containing a Toolbar and FrameLayout. Its second element defines the contents of the drawer, usually a NavigationView.
  • The NavigationView comes from the Design Support Library. It controls most of the drawer’s behavior.
  • You add a header to your drawer by creating a layout for it, and adding the header’s resource ID to the navigation view’s headerLayout attribute.
  • You add items to the drawer by creating a menu resource, and adding the menu’s resource ID to the navigation view’s menu attribute.
  • Add items to the menu resource in the order in which you want them to appear in the drawer.
  • If you want to highlight which item in the drawer the user selects, add the menu items to a group and set the group’s checkableBehavior attribute to "single".
  • Use an ActionBarDrawerToggle to display a “burger” icon in the activity’s toolbar. This provides a visual sign that the activity has a navigation drawer. Clicking on it opens the drawer.
  • Respond to the user clicking on items in the drawer by making your activity implement the NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener interface. Register the activity with the navigation view as a listener, then implement the onNavigationItemSelected() method.
  • Close the navigation drawer using the DrawerLayout closeDrawer() method.

Chapter 15. SQLite Databases: Fire up the database

Key points:

  • Android uses SQLite as its backend database to persist data.
  • The SQLiteDatabase class gives you access to the SQLite database.
  • A SQLite helper lets you create and manage SQLite databases. You create a SQLite helper by extending the SQLiteOpenHelper class.
  • You must implement the SQLiteOpenHelperonCreate() and onUpgrade() methods.
  • The database gets created the first time it needs to be accessed. You need to give the database a name and version number, starting at 1. If you don’t give the database a name, it will just get created in memory.
  • The onCreate() method gets called when the database first gets created.
  • The onUpgrade() method gets called when the database needs to be upgraded.
  • Execute SQL using the SQLiteDatabase execSQL(String) method.
  • Use the SQL ALTER TABLE command to change an existing table. Use RENAME TO to rename the table, and ADD COLUMN to add a column.
  • Use the SQL DROP TABLE command to delete a table.
  • Add records to tables using the insert() method.
  • Update records using the update() method.
  • Remove records from tables using the delete() method.

Chapter 16. Basic cursors: Getting data out

  • A cursor lets you read from and write to the database.
  • You create a cursor by calling the SQLiteDatabasequery() method. Behind the scenes, this builds a SQL SELECT statement.
  • The getWritableDatabase() method returns a SQLiteDatabase object that allows you to read from and write to the database.
  • The getReadableDatabase() returns a SQLiteDatabase object. This gives you read-only access to the database. It may also allow you to write to - the database, but this isn’t guaranteed.
  • Navigate through a cursor using the moveTo*() methods.
  • Get values from a cursor using the get*() methods. Close cursors and database connections after you’ve finished with them.
  • A cursor adapter is an adapter that works with cursors. Use SimpleCursorAdapter to populate a list view with the values returned by a cursor.

Chapter 17. Cursors and AsyncTasks: Staying in the background

  • The CursorAdapter.changeCursor() method replaces the cursor currently used by a cursor adapter with a new cursor that you provide. It then closes the old cursor.
  • Run your database code in a background thread using AsyncTask.

AsyncTask steps

  1. onPreExecute() is used to set up the task. It’s called before the background task begins, and runs on the main event thread.
  2. doInBackground() runs in the background thread. It runs immediately after onPreExecute(). You can specify what type of parameters it has, and what its return type is.
  3. onProgressUpdate() is used to display progress. It runs in the main event thread when the doInBackground() method calls publishProgress().
  4. onPostExecute() is used to display the task outcome to the user when doInBackground has finished. It runs in the main event thread and takes the return value of doInBackground() as a parameter.

Chapter 18. Started Services: At your service

Key points:

  • A service is an application component that can perform tasks in the background. It doesn’t have a user interface.
  • A started service can run in the background indefinitely, even when the activity that started it is destroyed. Once the operation is done, it stops itself.
  • A bound service is bound to another component such as an activity. The activity can interact with it and get results.
  • A scheduled service is one that’s scheduled to run at a particular time.
  • You can create a simple started service by extending the IntentService class, overriding its onHandleIntent() method and adding a public constructor.
  • You declare services in AndroidManifest.xml using the <service> element.
  • You start a started service using the startService() method.
  • When a started service is created, its onCreate() method gets called, followed by onStartCommand(). If the service is an IntentService, onHandleIntent() is then called in a separate thread. When the service has finished running, onDestroy() gets called before the service is destroyed.
  • The IntentService class inherits lifecycle methods from the Service class.
  • You log messages using the Android.util.Log class. You can view these messages in the logcat in Android Studio.
  • You create a notification using a notification builder. Each notification must include a small icon, a title, and some text as a bare minimum.
  • A heads-up notification has its priority set to high, and vibrates the device or plays a sound when it’s issued.
  • You tell the notification which activity to start when it’s clicked by creating a pending intent and adding it to the notification as an action.
  • You issue the notification using a notification manager. You create a notification manager using Android’s notification service.

Chapter 19. Bound Services and Permissions: Bound together

  • You create a bound service by extending the Service class. You define your own Binder object, and override the onBind() method.
  • Bind a component to a service using the bindService() method.
  • Use a ServiceConnection so that your activity can get a reference to the service when it’s bound.
  • Unbind a component from a service using the unbindService() method.
  • When a bound service is created, its onCreate() method is called. onBind() gets called when a component binds to the service.
  • When all components have unbound from the service, its onUnbind() method is called.
  • A bound service is destroyed when no components are bound to it. Its onDestroy() method is called just before the service is destroyed.
  • Use the Android Location Services to determine the current location of the device.
  • To get the current location of the device, you need to declare that the app requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission in AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Get location updates using a LocationListener.
  • A LocationManager gives you access to Android’s Location Services. Get the best location provider available on the device using its - getBestProvider() method. Request location updates from the provider using requestLocationUpdates().
  • Use removeUpdates() to stop getting location updates.
  • If your target SDK is API level 23 or above, check at runtime whether your app has been granted a permission using the ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission() method.
  • Request permissions at runtime using ActivityCompat.requestPermissions().
  • Check the user’s response to a permission request by implementing the activity’s onRequestPermissionsResult() method.


Practical part of the "Head First Android Development" book.







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