The Bucket List is a web application where users can create "Buckets" which are goal activities or places to Travel with helpful dashboards to track those goals.
This app will help people visualize their aspirations and track with real metrics their progress towards accomplishing those dream activities.
Anyone who has a bucket list, a dream vacation, or activity they're working towards and want a centralized location to track progress.
- A customizable bucket page where users can add a banner image and title for the bucket
- A chat board or note board in the case of single person activities
- An expense sheet for tracking costs related to the bucket
- A savings sheet for tracking contributions towards the bucket
- A progress marker that shows percentage of savings towards expenses
- Six pre-built themes
- Sass
- Javascript
- Axios
- React
- Express
- Toastify
- React Router Dom
- React Circular Progress Bar
- Knex
- UnSplash for adding banner images
- Home
- Sign Up / Log In
- Buckets List
- Bucket Add
- Bucket Details
- Bucket Chat
- Bucket Expenses
- Bucket Contributions
- Bucket Edit
See attached folder of example mock ups
- USERS: ID, Name, Email, Password
- BUCKETS: ID, Image, Title, Theme
- BUCKET_USERS: ID, BucketID, UserID, Role
- CHATS: ID, UserID, BucketID, Message, DateAdded
- SAVINGS: ID, BucketID, UserID, Amount, DateAdded
- EXPENSES: ID, BucketID, Name, Amount, Notes
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/user/signup creates a new user
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/user/login logs in a user
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/user/userDetails/ gets the user details for the authenticated user by token
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/user/deleteAccount/ deletes the user account and associated items
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/ Provides a list of all buckets of authenticated user
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/buckets/:bucket_id Provides the details of one bucket
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/ Add a new buckeet to the users list
PUT - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id Updates one bucket details by given ID
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id Deletes one bucket by given ID
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/expenses Returns the expense list for a bucket
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/expenses Creates an expense item for the bucket
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/expenses/:expense_id Deletes an expense list associated to a bucket
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/savings Returns the savings list for a bucket
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/savings Creates a savings item for the bucket
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket//:bucket_id/savings/:savings_id Deletes a savings item associated to a bucket
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/chat/ Returns the chat list for a bucket
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/chat/ Adds a chat message
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:bucket_id/chat/:chat_id Deletes a chat message
GET - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:BucketID/contributors/ Returns the contributors on a bucket
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:BucketID/contributors/ Removes self as a contributor from a bucket
POST - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:BucketID/contributors/:user_id Adds a user as a contributor to a bucket
DELETE - http://localhost${PORT}/bucket/:BucketID/contributors/:user_id Removes a contributor from a bucket
See attached Roadmap
- User Authentication - DONE
- Multi user buckets - DONE
- Toastify Alerts - DONE
- Users can remove themselves as Contributors - DONE
- User delete account - DONE
- Mobile and Tablet views (responsiveness) - DONE
- Bucket dashboard image as upload instead of stock images
- Customizable themes instead of the pre-builds