Welcome to RedKite CMS Sandbox - a fully-functional Symfony2 application powered by RedKite CMS. You can use this application as skeleton for your new project or to test the CMS itself.
This document contains information on how to download and to start using RedKite CMS.
This repository houses the RedKite CMS Sandbox and requires to install vendor libraries and then the CMS itself and it is the right place to start if you would like to contribute to RedKite CMS project.
If you just want to try something ready, have a look to the Get & Go Sandbox, ideal to have a quick try the application and perfect to be used by a single developer, or to the RedKite CMS Sandbox which has the required vendor libraries installed. Follow the links to have more details about those products.
The quick way to install RedKite CMS Sandbox is to use composer, so get it running the following command:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
then run the following command to get the latest RC:
php composer.phar create-project redkite-labs/redkite-cms-sandbox -s stable RedKiteCmsSandbox --no-dev
or run this one to get the develop branch:
php composer.phar create-project redkite-labs/redkite-cms-sandbox -s dev RedKiteCmsSandbox
Alternatively you can download the latest release from releases page:
then move to the root folder and grab composer as explained at the beginning of this paragraph and run this command to install the required vendor libraries:
php composer.phar install
RedKite CMS requires several steps to be accomplished to properly setup the CMS itself. Luckily the RedKiteCmsInstallerBundle will do all the job for you.
This bundle provides a web installer interface or an interactive symdony2 command to install RedKite CMS.
Before starting you must be sure that following folders and files are writable:
because RedKite CMS installer will update them for you. If you prefer to setup RedKite CMS manually just follow this guide: http://redkite-labs.com/how-to-install-redkite-cms.
The best way to set up you permissions is using ACL:
sudo setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:[USERNAME]:rwx *
sudo setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:[USERNAME]:rwx *
To get more details, please refer to the symfony2 setup and configuration tutorial
Installing RedKite CMS from the console is really easy:
app/console redkitecms:configure
This will run the interactive command and provide the required information. If everything goes well, you will be prompted that the configuration has been written and you ready to start the install. Run the following command from the console:
app/console redkitecms:install --env=rkcms
When the setup ends, point your browser at
to start using RedKite CMS.
To install RedKite CMS using the web interface, just point your browser at:
Provide the required information and you are done!
Please refer this document to use a database different than mysql, postgres or sqlite.
RedKite CMS is secured by default and a new user is created when the application is installed:
username: admin
password: admin
enter the credentials above to sign in.
Although RedKite CMS is designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible, you probably would like to go deeper, reading some documentation:
RedKite CMS documentation repository lives at github.
If you require support you can ask for help at RedKite CSM users forum.
If you want to collaborate, just introduce yourself at RedKite CSM developers forum.
RedKite CMS is present on major social networks:
Follow @redkite-cms on Twitter for the latest news
Like RedKite CMS at Facebook
Connect with RedKite CMS at Google+
RedKite CMS has been written on a linux system machine, so you might encounter some small issues when you work on a windows machine:
- assetic:dump command might return an error
- Skin problems
None of those problems breaks the usability of RedKite CMS. If you are a windows user and you want to fix them on your own, fork the repository, do the fixes then ask for a pull request: it would be really appreciated! :)