Welcome to RedKite CMS 2 a Content Management System built on top of the Symfony2 componens, Jquery, Knockout and Twitter Bootstrap frameworks.
RedKite CMS 2 is currently in Alpha.
RedKite CMS 2 can be installed using composer:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
then run this command to start a new RedKite CMS application:
php composer.phar create-project redkite-labs/redkite-cms -s dev RedKiteCms
When the project has been created, follow these instructions to install the application.
The official RedKite CMS documentation is available at RedKite labs website. If you want to help with the documentation you can start here.
If you require support you can ask for help at RedKite CMS users forum.
RedKite CMS is present on major social networks:
Follow @redkite-cms on Twitter for the latest news
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Connect with RedKite CMS at Google+