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feat(auth): add Entra ID identity provider integration
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Introduces Entra ID (former Azure AD) authentication support with multiple authentication flows
and automated token lifecycle management.

Key additions:
- Add EntraIdCredentialsProvider for handling Entra ID authentication flows
- Implement MSALIdentityProvider to integrate with MSAL/EntraID authentication library
- Add support for multiple authentication methods:
  - Managed identities (system and user-assigned)
  - Client credentials with certificate
  - Client credentials with secret
  - Authorization Code flow with PKCE
- Add factory class with builder methods for each authentication flow
- Include sample Express server implementation for Authorization Code flow
- Export core auth types from client package for reuse
- Add comprehensive configuration options for authority and token management

Package exports (@redis/client):
- Added package.json "exports" field to enable auth folder barrel exports
- Included additional export paths ("./index" and "./dist/*") to maintain
  compatibility with existing deep imports across the monorepo packages

This change enables Azure-based authentication flows while maintaining consistent
token lifecycle management patterns established in the core authentication system.
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bobymicroby committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 0d78fb0 commit cb2e186
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,736 additions and 43 deletions.
1,044 changes: 1,020 additions & 24 deletions package-lock.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions packages/client/lib/client/authx/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { TokenManager, TokenManagerConfig, TokenStreamListener, RetryPolicy, IDPError } from './token-manager';
export { TokenManager, TokenManagerConfig, TokenStreamListener, RetryPolicy, IDPError };
import { Disposable } from './types';
export { Disposable };

import { CredentialsProvider, StreamingCredentialsProvider, UnableToObtainNewCredentialsError, CredentialsError, StreamingCredentialsListener, AsyncCredentialsProvider, ReAuthenticationError, BasicAuth } from './credentials-provider';
export { CredentialsProvider, StreamingCredentialsProvider, UnableToObtainNewCredentialsError, CredentialsError, StreamingCredentialsListener, AsyncCredentialsProvider, ReAuthenticationError, BasicAuth };

import { Token } from './token';
export { Token };

import { IdentityProvider, TokenResponse } from './identity-provider';
export { IdentityProvider, TokenResponse };
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions packages/client/lib/client/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import COMMANDS from '../commands';
import { BasicAuth, CredentialsError, CredentialsProvider, StreamingCredentialsProvider, UnableToObtainNewCredentialsError } from './authx/credentials-provider';
import {Disposable} from './authx/types';
import { BasicAuth, CredentialsError, CredentialsProvider, StreamingCredentialsProvider, UnableToObtainNewCredentialsError, Disposable } from './authx/';
import RedisSocket, { RedisSocketOptions } from './socket';
import RedisCommandsQueue, { CommandOptions } from './commands-queue';
import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
Expand Down
Empty file added packages/entraid/
Empty file.
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions packages/entraid/lib/entra-id-credentials-provider-factory.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
import { NetworkError } from '@azure/msal-common';
import {
ConfidentialClientApplication, AuthorizationUrlRequest, AuthorizationCodeRequest, CryptoProvider, Configuration, NodeAuthOptions, AccountInfo
} from '@azure/msal-node';
import { RetryPolicy, TokenManager, TokenManagerConfig, ReAuthenticationError } from '@redis/client/lib/client/authx';
import { EntraidCredentialsProvider } from './entraid-credentials-provider';
import { MSALIdentityProvider } from './msal-identity-provider';

const FALLBACK_SCOPE = '';

export type AuthorityConfig =
| { type: 'multi-tenant'; tenantId: string }
| { type: 'custom'; authorityUrl: string }
| { type: 'default' };

export type PKCEParams = {
code: string;
verifier: string;
clientInfo?: string;

export type CredentialParams = {
clientId: string;
scopes?: string[];
authorityConfig?: AuthorityConfig;

tokenManagerConfig: TokenManagerConfig
onReAuthenticationError?: (error: ReAuthenticationError) => void;

export type AuthCodePKCEParams = CredentialParams & {
redirectUri: string;

export type ClientSecretCredentialsParams = CredentialParams & {
clientSecret: string;

export type ClientCredentialsWithCertificateParams = CredentialParams & {
certificate: {
thumbprint: string;
privateKey: string;
x5c?: string;

const loggerOptions = {
loggerCallback(loglevel: LogLevel, message: string, containsPii: boolean) {
if (!containsPii) console.log(message);
piiLoggingEnabled: false,
logLevel: LogLevel.Verbose

* The most imporant part of the RetryPolicy is the shouldRetry function. This function is used to determine if a request should be retried based
* on the error returned from the identity provider. The defaultRetryPolicy is used to retry on network errors only.
export const DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY: RetryPolicy = {
// currently only retry on network errors
shouldRetry: (error: unknown) => error instanceof NetworkError,
maxAttempts: 10,
initialDelayMs: 100,
maxDelayMs: 100000,
backoffMultiplier: 2,
jitterPercentage: 0.1


export const DEFAULT_TOKEN_MANAGER_CONFIG: TokenManagerConfig = {
expirationRefreshRatio: 0.7 // Refresh token when 70% of the token has expired

* This class is used to help with the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.
* It provides methods to generate PKCE codes, get the authorization URL, and create the credential provider.
export class AuthCodeFlowHelper {
private constructor(
readonly client: PublicClientApplication,
readonly scopes: string[],
readonly redirectUri: string
) {}

async getAuthCodeUrl(pkceCodes: {
challenge: string;
challengeMethod: string;
}): Promise<string> {
const authCodeUrlParameters: AuthorizationUrlRequest = {
scopes: this.scopes,
redirectUri: this.redirectUri,
codeChallenge: pkceCodes.challenge,
codeChallengeMethod: pkceCodes.challengeMethod

return this.client.getAuthCodeUrl(authCodeUrlParameters);

async acquireTokenByCode(params: PKCEParams): Promise<AuthenticationResult> {
const tokenRequest: AuthorizationCodeRequest = {
code: params.code,
scopes: this.scopes,
redirectUri: this.redirectUri,
codeVerifier: params.verifier,
clientInfo: params.clientInfo

return this.client.acquireTokenByCode(tokenRequest);

static async generatePKCE(): Promise<{
verifier: string;
challenge: string;
challengeMethod: string;
}> {
const cryptoProvider = new CryptoProvider();
const { verifier, challenge } = await cryptoProvider.generatePkceCodes();
return {
challengeMethod: 'S256'

static create(params: {
clientId: string;
redirectUri: string;
scopes?: string[];
authorityConfig?: AuthorityConfig;
}): AuthCodeFlowHelper {
const config = {
auth: {
clientId: params.clientId,
authority: EntraIdCredentialsProviderFactory.getAuthority(params.authorityConfig ?? { type: 'default' })
system: {

return new AuthCodeFlowHelper(
new PublicClientApplication(config),
params.scopes ?? [''],

* This class is used to create credentials providers for different types of authentication flows.
export class EntraIdCredentialsProviderFactory {

static getAuthority(config: AuthorityConfig): string {
switch (config.type) {
case 'multi-tenant':
return `${config.tenantId}`;
case 'custom':
return config.authorityUrl;
case 'default':
return '';
throw new Error('Invalid authority configuration');

* This method is used to create a ManagedIdentityProvider for both system-assigned and user-assigned managed identities.
* for user-assigned managed identities, the developer needs to pass either the client ID, full resource identifier,
* or the object ID of the managed identity when creating ManagedIdentityApplication.
* @param params
* @param userAssignedClientId For user-assigned managed identities, the developer needs to pass either the client ID,
* full resource identifier, or the object ID of the managed identity when creating ManagedIdentityApplication.
* @private
public static createManagedIdentityProvider(
params: CredentialParams, userAssignedClientId?: string
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
const config: ManagedIdentityConfiguration = {
// For user-assigned identity, include the client ID
...(userAssignedClientId && {
managedIdentityIdParams: {
system: {

const client = new ManagedIdentityApplication(config);

const idp = new MSALIdentityProvider(
() => client.acquireToken({
resource: params.scopes?.[0] ?? FALLBACK_SCOPE
}).then(x => x === null ? Promise.reject('Token is null') : x)

return new EntraidCredentialsProvider(
new TokenManager(idp, params.tokenManagerConfig),
{ onReAuthenticationError: params.onReAuthenticationError }

* This method is used to create a credentials provider for system-assigned managed identities.
* @param params
static createForSystemAssignedManagedIdentity(
params: CredentialParams
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
return this.createManagedIdentityProvider(params);

* This method is used to create a credentials provider for user-assigned managed identities.
* It will include the client ID as the userAssignedClientId in the ManagedIdentityConfiguration.
* @param params
static createForUserAssignedManagedIdentity(
params: CredentialParams
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
return this.createManagedIdentityProvider(params, params.clientId);

private static _createForClientCredentials(
authConfig: NodeAuthOptions,
params: CredentialParams
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
const config: Configuration = {
auth: {
authority: this.getAuthority(params.authorityConfig ?? { type: 'default' })
system: {

const client = new ConfidentialClientApplication(config);

const idp = new MSALIdentityProvider(
() => client.acquireTokenByClientCredential({
scopes: params.scopes ?? [FALLBACK_SCOPE]
}).then(x => x === null ? Promise.reject('Token is null') : x)

return new EntraidCredentialsProvider(new TokenManager(idp, params.tokenManagerConfig), idp,
{ onReAuthenticationError: params.onReAuthenticationError });

* This method is used to create a credentials provider for service principals using certificate.
* @param params
static createForClientCredentialsWithCertificate(
params: ClientCredentialsWithCertificateParams
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
return this._createForClientCredentials(
clientId: params.clientId,
clientCertificate: params.certificate

* This method is used to create a credentials provider for service principals using client secret.
* @param params
static createForClientCredentials(
params: ClientSecretCredentialsParams
): EntraidCredentialsProvider {
return this._createForClientCredentials(
clientId: params.clientId,
clientSecret: params.clientSecret

* This method is used to create a credentials provider for the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.
* @param params
static createForAuthorizationCodeWithPKCE(
params: AuthCodePKCEParams
): {
getPKCECodes: () => Promise<{
verifier: string;
challenge: string;
challengeMethod: string;
getAuthCodeUrl: (
pkceCodes: { challenge: string; challengeMethod: string }
) => Promise<string>;
createCredentialsProvider: (
params: PKCEParams
) => EntraidCredentialsProvider;
} {

const requiredScopes = ['', 'offline_access'];
const scopes = [ Set([...(params.scopes || []), ...requiredScopes])];

const authFlow = AuthCodeFlowHelper.create({
clientId: params.clientId,
redirectUri: params.redirectUri,
scopes: scopes,
authorityConfig: params.authorityConfig

return {
getPKCECodes: AuthCodeFlowHelper.generatePKCE,
getAuthCodeUrl: (pkceCodes) => authFlow.getAuthCodeUrl(pkceCodes),
createCredentialsProvider: (pkceParams) => {

// This is used to store the initial credentials account to be used
// for silent token acquisition after the initial token acquisition.
let initialCredentialsAccount: AccountInfo | null = null;

const idp = new MSALIdentityProvider(
async () => {
if (!initialCredentialsAccount) {
let authResult = await authFlow.acquireTokenByCode(pkceParams);
initialCredentialsAccount = authResult.account;
return authResult;
} else {
return authFlow.client.acquireTokenSilent({
account: initialCredentialsAccount,

const tm = new TokenManager(idp, params.tokenManagerConfig);
return new EntraidCredentialsProvider(tm, idp, { onReAuthenticationError: params.onReAuthenticationError });

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