React Native bridge for Adobe Analytics.
This is a fork of
$ npm install redhotmagma/react-native-adobe-analytics --save
$ react-native link
Get your ADBMobileConfig.json file from Adobe Mobile Services.
- On iOS, add the ADBMobileConfig.json file to your XCode project so that it's accessible in your bundle.
- On Android, the ADBMobileConfig.json file must be placed in the assets folder.
You need to import this package into your
file as well as load that package in the getPackages
diff --git a/ b/
index a209301..8ada6e5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost;
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage;
import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
@@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
- new MainReactPackage()
+ new MainReactPackage(),
+ new RNAdobeAnalyticsPackage()
- Add the extracted SDK Files to the folder
. - Add your JSON Configuration to that same folder.
- Follow the instructions provided by Adobe:
Add this to your Podfile and run pod install
pod 'AdobeMobileSDK', '~> 4.14.1'
When using !use_frameworks
in your Podfile, add this to your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
function in AppDelegate.m
[ADBMobile overrideConfigPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ADBMobileConfig" ofType:@"json"]];
Import the javascript class:
import {AdobeAnalyticsAPI} from 'react-native-adobe-analytics'
Initializes Adobe Analytics
- debug: Boolean
setPrivacyStatus( status )
Sets the privacy status of the current user.
- Status: String (OPT_IN|OPT_OUT)
trackState(state, contextData)
Track a view or screen in your app
- state: String
- contextData: Object
trackAction(action, contextData)
Track an event or an action in your app
- action: String
- contextData: Object
Initializes Adobe Analytics
<AdobeAnalytics debug={true} />
Track a view or screen in your app
state="Home screen"
Track an event or an action in your app
action="Logged in"