What's Changed
- Update to allow running tests on any cluster by @LaVLaS in #1
- Add options to generate xunit and html report files by @aloganat in #3
- Add automation for JupyterHub notebook spawn and shutdown by @LaVLaS in #2
- Use window title as selector for new py3 notebook window by @LaVLaS in #4
- Add check JH dashboard visibility by @LaVLaS in #5
- Use seleniumlibrary pip package by @LaVLaS in #6
- Add filter to OCP route search screen by @LaVLaS in #10
- Sets headlesschrome as the default browser for test runs by @LaVLaS in #11
- Fix check for openshift authentication type at login by @LaVLaS in #12
- Feature/odh dashboard by @LaVLaS in #14
- Add Robot Framework JupyterLibrary and add generic notebook test for JupyterLab by @LaVLaS in #15
- Add ODH Installation test by @pablofelix in #17
- Reorganize the resources to their own folder by @LaVLaS in #20
- Add updates for authenticating users on the ODH Dashboard by @LaVLaS in #21
- Update JupyterLab nb tests to close all tabs on success by @LaVLaS in #22
- Set RobotFramework version>=4.0 in setup.py by @LaVLaS in #23
- Add ODH uninstall test by @pablofelix in #19
- Update xpath for JH spawner env var input by @LaVLaS in #25
- Add support for navigating file tree and cloning repos for test runs by @LaVLaS in #28
- Remove chromedriver from the repo by @LaVLaS in #32
- Feature/minimal nb image testing by @lugi0 in #31
- Update to 1.0.10 by @lugi0 in #33
- Add Tags for running smoke tests by @aloganat in #35
- Abstracting UI-related code, general refactoring and clean up by @lugi0 in #36
- Fixing rhods-smoke job failures by @lugi0 in #38
- Fix Suite Teardown procedure by @lugi0 in #39
- Adding sleep after clicking JH link from console to give the page time to load by @crobby in #40
- Add Contributing section to Readme by @jgarciao in #43
- Add Dockerfile for running framework in a container by @LaVLaS in #37
- update readme to use pre-generated ods-ci image by @vasukulkarni in #46
- Image iteration in single test case by @lugi0 in #41
- Add Keyword to fix spawner status by @lugi0 in #44
- Add robotframework-lsp dependency in requirements-dev.txt by @jgarciao in #48
- Fix incorrect mount point in build/README doc by @LaVLaS in #47
- Skip new user tour popup by @lugi0 in #49
- Wait for JH to load by @lugi0 in #50
Full Changelog: https://github.com/red-hat-data-services/ods-ci/commits/0.1.0