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Christian Bora edited this page Jun 25, 2015 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the recast-database wiki!

User stories

e.g. As a [end user role], I want [the desire] so that [the rationale]

As a recast user,

  • I want to be able to list all requests associated to a given analysis

def requests_for_analysis(analysis):
      return db.session.query(ScanRequest).filter( ==
  • I want to be able to list the model parameters and their values for a given request

def parameters_for_scan_request(scan_request):
     return db.session.query(Parameters).filter(Parameters.scan_request == scan_request).all()
  • I want to be able to view all analyses and order them by their descriptions

 def analyses_order_by_description():
      return db.session.query(Analysis).order_by(Analysis.description_of_original_analysis).all()
  • I want to be able to view all requests and order them by id

 def requests_order_by_id():
     return db.session.query(ScanRequest).order_by(
  • I want to be able to view all analyses I have submitted

 def analysis_for_user(user):
      return db.session.query(Analysis).filter(Analysis.user == user).all()
  • I want to be able to view all analyses submitted by other users

  #So all the other analyses but mine

  def analysis_for_users(user):
      return db.session.query(Analysis).filter(Analysis.user != user).all()
  • I want to be able to view a description and published articles associated with an analysis

   def description_for_analysis(analysis):
     return analysis.description_of_original_analysis
  • I want to be able to view a description of a given model

  def description_for_model(model):
     return model.description_of_model
  • I want to be able to submit and receive notifications associated to a given request

  #query all notifications

    def all_notifications():
       return db.session.query(RequestNotification).all()
  • I want to be able to easily re-submit a request

       * -> add a request to the db? or backend stuff I suppose
  • I want to be able to update my email and personal information

    def update_email(user):
       new_user = db.session.query(User).filter(User == user).one() = "[email protected]"
  • I want to be able to receive notifications

 # here we will query a notification associated to a scan request

 def notifications_for_scan_request(request):
    return db.session.session.query(RequestNotification).filter(RequestNotification.scan_request == request)
  • I want to be able to get a result for a given request

  # in other words given a scan request get the response

  def scan_response_for_scan_request(scan_request):
     return db.session.query(ScanResponse).(ScanResponse.scan_request == scan_request).one()
  • I want to be able to get results in a reasonable amount of time

  • I want to be able to view the results with all related attributes

    def all_basic_response():
     return db.session.query(BasicResponse).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all analyses using the ATLAS detector

   def analysis_for_ATLAS():
      return db.session.query(Analysis).filter('%ATLAS%')).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all recast requests involving the ATLAS detector

  def request_for_ATLAS():
     return db.session.query(Request).filter('%ATLAS%')).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all analyses performed by a specific researcher or group

  def analysis_for_user(user):
      db.session.query(Analysis).filter(Analysis.user == user).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all recast requests initiated by a specific researcher or group

  def request_for_user(user):
      db.session.query(ScanRequest).filter(ScanRequest.user == user).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all analyses that do not use the ATLAS detector

   def analysis_not_for_ATLAS():
       return db.session.query(Analysis).filter('%ATLAS%')).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all recast requests that do not specify using the ATLAS detector

   def request_not_for_ATLAS():
  • I want to be able to search for all analyses that are/were performed at 7 TeV

  #where will find this information if 7 or 8 or 13 Tev -- do we have a dedicated field for that?

   def analysis_for_7Tev():
      return db.session.query(Analysis).filter('%7 TeV%')).all()
  • I want to be able to search for all recast requests that specify 7 TeV

   def request_for_7TeV():
      return db.session.query(ScanRequest).filter('%7 Tev%')).all()
  • I want to sign up for a new login to be able to make a new recast request

      # (The schema is not handling this right?)
  • I want to make a scan over some parameter points for some model and make point request for each point

  • I want to extend the set of parameter points in a scan

      # so add more parameter points associated to a scan request
  • I want to iterate over the points in the scan

  • I want to find all scan requests for a particular model

 def scan_request_for_model(model):
     return db.session.query(ScanRequest).filter(ScanRequest.model == model).all()
  • I want to know the status of each request

 Should we add a status variable in the ScanRequest table?

As a subscriber,

  • I want to be notified when new requests have been submitted or processed