Inserts a BPF filter that filters for UDP packets to the WireGuard port. If detected, it sends the packet to userland. Then, it filters for the handshake Initiator packets and extracts the static public key after deriving the shared key.
"WireGuard" and the "WireGuard" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.
I saw this article on HN about Wireguard JIT. I thought this would be really useful but I couldn't find the source code online.
Luckily, it was described in words so of course I turned it into code.
I actually saw this earlier, but I was giving a talk at the Handycon conference so I was nervous and dealing with that.
Sorry if anyone was trying to figure this out!
I got all the Noise code from wireguard-go and copy pasted it at the bottom.
Get Go
Install the modules listed in the import
Then you can just run it
go run wg.go -privatekey KEY -port PORT -iface INTERFACE
PORT is optional, but KEY and INTERFACE must be there. INTERFACE is like eth0 or enp2s50 and KEY is like "base64-encoded-wireguard-private-key"
Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Lee [email protected]
All Rights Reserved
MIT Licensed