An AppDynamics Machine Agent extensionm to report metrics from a Tibco EMS Server and its queues.
Tibco EMS is messaging middleware that provides persistent queues as well as a publish/subscribe mechanism. It can be used as a JMS provider, or it can be used directly via native APIs.
This extension requires the Java Machine Agent.
Before starting this monitor, make sure your EMS server is configured to report
statistics. You can do this by editing the file tibemsd.conf
in your
, or by using the tibemsadmin
command line utility.
Add the following line to
:statistics = enabled
Restart Tibco EMS.
Use the tibemsadmin
utility to change the server configuration.
root# tibemsadmin -server localhost:7222
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Administration Tool.
Copyright 2003-2013 by TIBCO Software Inc.
All rights reserved.
Version 8.0.0 V9 6/7/2013
Login name (admin):
Connected to: tcp://localhost:7222
Type 'help' for commands help, 'exit' to exit:
tcp://localhost:7222> set server statistics=enabled
Server parameters have been changed
tcp://localhost:7222> quit
- Download from the Community.
- Copy into the directory where you installed the machine
agent, under
. - Unzip the file. This will create a new directory called
. - In
, edit the fileconfig.yml
and configure the extension for your Tibco EMS installation. - Add the following Tibco EMS jars, tibcrypt.jar, tibemsd_sec.jar, tibjms.jar, tibjmsadmin.jar, tibjmsapps.jar, tibjmsufo.jar, tibrvjms.jar to the lib folder
- Restart the machine agent.
Configuration for this monitor is in the config.yml
file in the monitor
- host - Name or IP address of the Tibco EMS server. Required.
- port - TCP port number where the Tibco server is listening. The default value is 7222. Required.
- protocol - Specify "tcp" to use standard TCP or "ssl" to use SSL. The default is "tcp".
- faultTolerantServers - Fault tolerant servers to try when the master is not active.
- user - Administrative user ID for the Tibco admin interface. The default value is "admin". Required.
- password - Password for the administrative user ID. The default value is an empty password. Required.
- encryptedPassword & encryptionKey - If you want to encrypt the password them provide these two values.
- includeQueues - Queues from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Queue metrics will be collected.
- includeTopics - Topics from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Topic metrics will be collected.
- includeDurables - Durables from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Durable metrics will be collected.
- includeRoutes - Routes from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Route metrics will be collected.
- includeProducers - Producers from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Producer metrics will be collected.
- includeConsumers - Consumers from which metrics should be collected, supports regex. Required, if not provided no Consumer metrics will be collected.
Sample config.yml
## If you are using SSL to connect to EMS, make sure you also set the following:
## sslIdentityFile: path to the private key and client certificate file (example: conf/client_identity.p12)
## sslIdentityPassword: password to decrypt the private key
## sslTrustedCerts: path to the server certificate file (example: conf/server_cert.pem)
# Keep the display name blank if Tibco EMS Extension is monitoring only one Tibco Server.
- displayName: "Local EMS"
host: ""
port: "6222"
# Supports tcp and ssl
protocol: "tcp"
#Add fault Tolerant servers for this server
faultTolerantServers: [""]
user: "admin"
# password or encryptedPassword and encryptionKey are required
password: "admin"
#We are going to remove support for .* in next release. Other regex's are still supported.
includeQueues: [".*"]
includeTopics: [".*"]
includeDurables: [".*"]
includeRoutes: [".*"]
includeProducers: [".*"]
includeConsumers: [".*"]
#ssl config optional settings
# Each server instance needs 9 threads, one for the server instance itself, and others for collecting metrics from connection, consumer, durable, producer, queue, route, server and topic.
# So, please change the value accordingly(Based on the number of server instances you are monitoring).
numberOfThreads: 15
#Enabling this will display dynamic ids like ProducerID and Consumer ID in the metric path. But this will also increase the stale metrics as the ids are dynamic and they change continuously.
#Disbling this will aggregate all the values from the destinations ( Producers, Consumers ) and print that value to the controller
displayDynamicIdsInMetricPath: false
#This will create this metric in all the tiers, under this path. Please make sure to have a trailing |
#metricPrefix: "Custom Metrics|Tibco EMS|"
#This will create it in specific Tier aka Component. Replace <COMPONENT_ID>. Please make sure to have a trailing |.
#To find out the COMPONENT_ID, please see the screen shot here
metricPrefix: "Server|Component:<COMPONENT_ID>|Custom Metrics|Tibco EMS|"
All the metrics are configured in metrics.xml file. By default extension can collect below metrics from each of the destination. Additional metrics are configured and commented in metrics.xml and user can uncomment them based on their monitoring needs.
Metric Name |
PendingMessageCount |
PendingMessageSize |
Metric Name |
InboundMessageRate |
InboundTotalMessages |
OutboundMessageRate |
OutboundTotalMessages |
Metric Name |
TotalMessages |
TotalBytes |
MessageRate |
Metric Name |
ConsumerCount |
DeliveredMessageCount |
InboundMessageCount |
InboundByteRate |
InTransitCount |
OutboundMessageCount |
OutboundMessageRate |
PendingMessageCount |
PendingMessageSize |
ReceiverCount |
Metric Name |
ActiveDurableCount |
ConsumerCount |
DurableCount |
InboundMessageCount |
InboundMessageRate |
OutboundMessageCount |
OutboundMessageRate |
PendingMessageCount |
PendingMessageSize |
SubscriberCount |
This monitor can potentially register hundred of new metrics, depending on how many queues are in EMS. By default, the Machine Agent will only report 200 metrics to the controller, so you may need to increase that limit when installing this monitor. To increase the metric limit, you must add a parameter when starting the Machine Agent, like this:
java -Dappdynamics.agent.maxMetrics=1000 -jar machineagent.jar
To avoid setting the clear text password in the config.yml, please follow the process to encrypt the password and set the encrypted password and the encryptionKey in the config.yml
- To encrypt password from the commandline go to
/monitors/TibcoEMSMonitor dir and run the below common
java -cp "tibcoems-monitoring-extension.jar" com.appdynamics.extensions.crypto.Encryptor myKey myPassword
Workbench is a feature by which you can preview the metrics before registering it with the controller. This is useful if you want to fine tune the configurations. Workbench is embedded into the extension jar.
To use the workbench
- Follow all the installation steps
- Start the workbench with the command
java -jar /path/to/MachineAgent/monitors/TibcoEMSMonitor/tibcoems-monitoring-extension.jar
This starts an http server at http://host:9090/. This can be accessed from the browser.
- If the server is not accessible from outside/browser, you can use the following end points to see the list of registered metrics and errors.
#Get the stats
curl http://localhost:9090/api/stats
#Get the registered metrics
curl http://localhost:9090/api/metric-paths
- You can make the changes to config.yml and validate it from the browser or the API
- Once the configuration is complete, you can kill the workbench and start the Machine Agent
For any questions or feature requests, please contact the AppDynamics Center of Excellence.
Version: 3.0.0
Controller Compatibility: 3.6 or later
Last Updated: 14-Dec-2018
- Ported to latest extension commons
- Added fault tolerent server configuration
- Added configuration to include destinations.
- Added configuration to add/remove metrics in metrics.xml
- Removed dynamic connection metrics which are creting stale metrics and moved these metrics to respected Queue/Topic.
- Revamped to support new extension framework
- Added support for multiple EMS servers
- Moved configuration to config.yml file
- Display name can be null or empty
- Encryption support for sslIdentityPassword
- Adding additional metrics for Server, Route and Queue
- Added missing
to classpath.
- Changed logging level in shouldMonitorDestination() from
- Adds new SSL configuration properties:
. Please check themonitor.xml
bundled with this release for details.
- Adding support for SSL and topics.
- Added new derived metrics: InboundMessagesPerMinute, OutboundMessagesPerMinute, InboundBytesPerMinute, and OutboundBytesPerMinute.
- General cleanup of code.
- Added
option to configuration.
- Added protocol (tcp/ssl) option to configuration.
- Recompiled for target JDK 1.5.
- Cleaned up directory structure.
- Rebuilt Ant scripts.