An App that list the upcoming movies based on The Movie DB
Third-party libraries used:
ReactiveUI: MVVM framework based on RFP.
Xamarin.Froms: I decide to go with forms because it was the faster and simpler aproach here, I could invest much more time in the UI and improve it, but this wasn't my main concern here.
Reactive Extensios: Set of extensios and classes to alow reactive funcional programming.
Splat: Service Locator. The best reason why using a Service Locator instead of a IoC can be found in Paul Bets answer here
FFImageLoading: This library helps to reduce the memory usage of images downsampling them as needed, caching and using just one bitmap in memory when the same image is displayed multiple times.
Akavache: Akavache will store the requests/reponses and use it as a cache for every request I make. If I repeat a request, he will get in the cache and queue an update
Refit: It turns your REST API into a live interface. And reduces a lot the amount of code that you need to right to access an API.
Fusillade: It' used to deduplicate requests, about the excessive amount of open connections and request prioritization.
Nunit: Library to run the Unit Tests. I usually go with it, because it's supported inside the Xamarin Studio by default.
Moq: Used to mock a few things, especially because we don' wanna Unit Tests trying to access any kind of network.