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Playbooks and roles to configure servers involved in the delivery of RDO.


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  • Pull required roles:

    ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  • Pull required roles only if you are planning to set up the RDO registry, since it seems to conflict with the user task:

    ansible-galaxy install -r registry-requirements.yml

Dealing with Secrets

We use Ansible Vault (ansible-vault command) to hide some parameters like service credentials or emails to avoid SPAM.

To make it easy all such files are named *.vault.yml and git attributes are defined to make diff-ing and merging easy.

Your config needs to be enhanced to tell git how to handle these files. This is very easy, look at this URL for more info:

Adding new systems to the inventory

The Ansible inventory is stored in the hosts.yml file. We also have some special, per-system tags that allow us to describe additional inventory data that is not stored elsewhere.

To add a new system:

  • Create the required entry in hosts.yml, adding it to any group the new system should belong to. Use the standard group if no there is no other group to assign to.

  • Create a playbooks/host_vars/<hostname>/inventory.yml file, with the following contents:

    host_cloud: <cloud hosting the system>
    host_tenant: <tenant in cloud>
    host_service: <free-form string describing the service>
      base: <link to playbooks setting up the base users, packages, etc.>
        - <list of pointers to additional playbooks, puppet modules, automation tools that set up the service>

Setup base RDO server requirements

  • Setup machine: ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbooks/base.yml

Setup Jenkins agent for environment

  • Setup machine: ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbooks/cico-agent.yml

Setup Websites

The main website and the planet are generated using builders on a separate machine:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml -t websites_builders playbooks/web.yml

The generated static pages as well as various redirections and the dashboard are on a publishing machine:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml -t websites playbooks/web.yml

Setup Mails

The mail and mailing-list servers (current Mailman 2 and future Mailman 3):

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbooks/mail.yml


ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbooks/images.yml

The playbook assumes that the base playbook has already been executed, since it relies on the SSL certificate being created.

Run the inventory playbook

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbooks/inventory.yml

The playbook will generate a series of html files at /tmp/rdo-inventory. There is an index file and css associated, so you can just transfer all files to a web page and serve them from there.


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Playbooks to set up RDO Infrastructure servers







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