One Tap Away
- Minneapolis, MN
dazn-lambda-powertools Public
Forked from getndazn/dazn-lambda-powertoolsPowertools (logger, HTTP client, AWS clients, middlewares, patterns) for Lambda functions.
serverless-jest-plugin Public
Forked from nordcloud/serverless-jest-pluginPlugin for Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Jest
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2023 -
aws-lambda-extensions Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-lambda-extensionsA collection of sample extensions to help you get started with AWS Lambda Extensions
Go MIT No Attribution UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
jira-changelog Public
Forked from jgillick/jira-changelogGenerates a changelog by matching git commits to Jira tickets.
stripe-eventbridge Public
Forked from rangle/stripe-eventbridgeConnect Stripe events to AWS EventBridge
examples Public
Forked from serverless/examplesServerless Examples – A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more.
slack-nodejs-workshop Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/slack-nodejs-workshop -
dynamodb-context-store-nodejs Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/dynamodb-context-store-nodejsStores SmartApp configuration and auth tokens for use in app-initiated calls
weather-color-light-smartapp-nodejs Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/weather-color-light-smartapp-nodejsSource code for an example automation SmartApp used for demos, written in Node.js
smartapp-sdk-nodejs Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/smartapp-sdk-nodejsJavascript/NodeJS SDK to create SmartThings SmartApps
salesforce-streams-nodejs Public
Forked from ContextualIO/salesforce-streams-nodejsReference implementation of a Salesforce Streaming API consumer in Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2019 -
SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic -
Documentation Public
Forked from tylerlange/DocumentationSmartThings Documentation
micronaut-core Public
Forked from micronaut-projects/micronaut-coreMicronaut Application Framework
micronaut-examples Public
Forked from micronaut-projects/micronaut-examplesExample Projects Using Micronaut
micronaut-profiles Public
Forked from micronaut-projects/micronaut-profilesRepository for the profiles used to create Micronaut applications
kayenta Public
Forked from spinnaker/kayentaAutomated Canary Service
ansible-java-role Public
Forked from SmartThingsOSS/ansible-java-roleAnsible role to manage installation of OpenJDK / Oracle JDK 6, 7 and 8.
openresty Public
Forked from openresty/openrestyTurning Nginx into a Full-Fledged Scriptable Web Platform
aws-elasticache-cluster-client-memcached-for-java Public
Forked from awslabs/aws-elasticache-cluster-client-memcached-for-javaAmazon ElastiCache Cluster Client for Java - enhanced library to connect to ElastiCache clusters.
microservice-tests Public
Forked from jonsie/microservice-testsAn example microservice with functional, smoke, and load tests.
CoRE Public
Forked from ady624/CoRECoRE - Community's own Rule Engine
rosie-gateway Public
Forked from rosie-home/rosie-gatewayRosie is a free and open source platform for smart home automation. The Gateway project contains resources for building a gateway for home messaging.
homie Public
Forked from rosie-home/homieApp for Controlling Rosie-based home automations systems
GR8ConfUS2016 Public
Forked from GR8Conf/GR8ConfUS2016Slides and materials for GR8Conf US 2016
2 UpdatedJul 30, 2016 -
gr8conf-event-driven-microservices Public
Forked from Grails-Plugin-Consortium/gr8conf-event-driven-microservicesGR8 Conf Event Driven Microservices
gr8conf-monitoring-metrics Public
Forked from Grails-Plugin-Consortium/gr8conf-monitoring-metricsA docker-compose stack for Prometheus monitoring
office-environment-sensors Public
Forked from rosie-home/office-environment-sensorsExample Project (Particle Photon-Based) for reading environmental sensors and forwarding to a node-red based Smart Home hub