Ring adapter for Jetty (11), with HTTP2 and WebSocket support.
This package is as fork of rj9a with cleaned api (with cosmetic API changes and deprecated API removal). Additionally, it does not depends on ring-servlet and uses the latest jakarta (not javax) servlet API (look at jetty10vs11 for more info). Many thanks to @sunng87 for all the work on the original rj9a adatper.
It requires JDK >= 11.
On deps.edn:
funcool/yetti {:git/tag "v1.0" :git/sha "e3d7794"
:git/url "https://github.com/funcool/yetti.git"}
In the REPL:
(require '[yetti.adapter :as yt])
(-> app
(yt/server {:port 11010})
(require '[yetti.adapter :as yt])
(defn app
[request send-response raise-error]
(send-response {:body "It works!"}))
(-> app
(yt/server {:port 11010 :async? true})
To enable HTTP/2 on cleartext and secure transport, you can simply add
options to server
(yt/server app {:port 11010
:h2c? true ;; enable cleartext http/2
:h2? true ;; enable http/2
:ssl? true ;; ssl is required for http/2
:ssl-port 11011
:keystore "dev/keystore.jks"
:key-password "111111"
:keystore-type "jks"})
Any ring handler can upgrade to websocket protocol, there is an example:
(require '[yetti.websocket :as yws])
(defn handler
(if (yws/upgrade-request? request)
(yws/upgrade request (fn [upgrade-request]
{:on-connect (fn [ws])
:on-error (fn [ws e])
:on-close (fn [ws status-code reason])
:on-text (fn [ws text-message])
:on-bytes (fn [ws bytes offset len])
:on-ping (fn [ws bytebuffer])
:on-pong (fn [ws bytebuffer])}))
{:status 404}))
IWebSocket protocol allows you to read and write data on the ws
(yws/send! ws msg)
(yws/send! ws msg callback)
(yws/ping! ws msg)
(yws/ping! ws msg callback)
(yws/close! ws)
(yws/remote-addr ws)
(yws/idle-timeout! ws timeout)
Notice that we support different type of msg:
- byte[] and ByteBuffer: send binary websocket message
- String and other Object: send text websocket message
- (fn [ws]) (clojure function): Custom function you can operate on Jetty's RemoteEndpoint
A callback can also be specified for send!
(yws/send! ws msg (fn [err])
;; The `err` is null if operation terminates successfuly
Copyright © 2021-Now Andrey Antukh
Copyright © 2013-2021 Sun Ning
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.