A web application that allows the user to search a specific movie, see it details and ratings and also review it
- Python 3.6.6 (and higher)
- Virtual environment
- PostgreSQL
- open my GitHub
- find my repo WatchList2
- run
git clone <REPO-URL>
in your terminal - write
cd WatchList2
- create a virtual environment with
python3 -m venv virtual
- enter virtual environment
. virtual/bin/activate
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a Postgres Database
- create a start.sh file in the parent directory and add the following
- go to themoviedb website and create your API key that will be used in the application
- place the api key in `export MOVIE_API_KEY='your-api-key'
- create a secret key in `export SECRET_KEY='your-secret-key'
- add the command to run the app
python3 manage.py server
- run
or. start.sh
to run the application
- Python ( ver 3.7 )
- Flask microframework ( ver 1.0.2 )
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku
- Stack Overflow
License under MIT
Copyright (C) 2018 ~ Reseni