This repository provides pointers to repositories and learning resources to help understand the Microsoft commercial marketplace. Please submit a pull request if there is a sample you have developed. If there is a sample you wish existed, please add it to our Issues.
Included in this document is technical learning content, links to sample code, reference implementations, webinars, and key documentation. These resources focus on transactable offer types in the Azure marketplace.
The following repositories are not guaranteed through Microsoft support. They are intended as samples and reference implementations.
- Client library for .NET | Repository | NuGet
- Client library for Java | Repository
- Client library for Python | Repository | PyPi
- Client library for Node.js | Repository | NPM for SaaS | NPM for Metering
- Client library for Go (coming soon) | Repository
The following apply to the REST API.
- Open API Specification (OAS) for REST Fulfillment API v2 and Metering API | Specification
- Postman scripts for REST APIs
- SaaS Accelerator - A complete reference implementation of a SaaS offer you can use to jumpstart your SaaS solution into the Azure marketplace
This library of technical content is designed to help speed your time to publish your SaaS offer to the Azure marketplace.
- SaaS offers - Speed your time to publishing your SaaS offer
- SaaS Accelerator - Using the SaaS Accelerator reference implementation as your SaaS solution
For access to webinar recordings you will be asked to register to view the content.
- Testing your SaaS Webhook
- Dev and test approach for SaaS
- Developing for commercial marketplace - SaaS offers and Azure Active Directory
- Transactable SaaS Offer Overview
- SaaS Overview
- Configuring AAD to work with the Azure Marketplace
- How to plan a SaaS offer for the commercial marketplace
- Build the landing page for your transactable SaaS offer in the commercial marketplace
- SaaS fulfillment APIs version 2 in the commercial marketplace
- Metered billing for SaaS using the commercial marketplace metering service
- Building a Linux or Windows Virtual Machine for the Azure Marketplace
- Marketplace VM Samples with Packer and Terraform
This library of technical content is designed to help speed your time to publish your virtual machine offer to the Azure marketplace.
For access to webinar recordings you will be asked to register to view the content.
- Transactable Virtual Machine Offer Overview
- Building a Virtual Machine offer
- The Virtual Machine Offer Validation Process
- Video: Create Azure VM image for Azure Marketplace Virtual Machine Offer using Packer with VHD destination
- Video: Creating Azure VM image for Azure Marketplace Virtual Machine Offer using Packer with Azure Shared Image Gallery
- Video: Publishing Azure Marketplace Virtual Machine Offer in Partner Center using SAS VHD URL
- Video: Using Cloud Partner Portal CPP API for managing "Virtual Machine" offers in Azure Marketplace
- Video: Deploying and testing "Preview" Azure VM Offer published in Azure Marketplace
- Lab: Publish a VM Offer: An end to end walkthrough of building a VM Offer from creating the technical assets to publishing in Partner Center.
- Plan a virtual machine offer
- Create a virtual machine using an approved base
- Create a virtual machine using your own image
- Troubleshoot virtual machine certification
This library of technical content is designed to help speed your time to publish your Azure Managed Application offer to the Azure marketplace.
For access to webinar recordings you will be asked to register to view the content.
- Managed Applications Overview
- Transactable Azure Managed Application Overview
- Walkthrough of publishing an Azure Managed Application (AMA) to Partner Center
- Working with Managed Application package artifacts
- Creating Dynamic UIs for Managed Applications
- Azure Managed Applications and Custom Providers
- Creating and testing a simple Azure Managed Application in the developer’s Azure subscription
- Publishing Azure Managed App in Partner Center and testing in end-customer’s Azure subscription
- Refreshing Azure Managed Application permissions and using Managed App's Identity
- Adding cross-tenant role assignments for Managed Identity in Azure Managed Application
- Using Partner Center Ingestion API for managing "Azure Application" offers in Azure Marketplace
- Plan an Azure Application offer for the commercial marketplace
- Publishing guide for Azure managed applications
For access to previous webinars you will be asked to register to view the content.
- Introduction to Commercial Marketplace transactable offer types
- Developing for commercial marketplace: Join the Microsoft Architect team to discuss what is new in the Commercial Marketplace, deep dives on a rotating list of developer topics, and live Q&A to help you get your solution published.
- Transactable Offer Types
- Common Consumption Meters for Azure Marketplace
- Introduction to the Microsoft commercial marketplace
- Go to market through the commercial marketplace
- Simplify cloud procurement and governance with Azure Marketplace
- Join the Microsoft Partner Network
- Create a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center
- Partner Center (You must be a Microsoft partner and have an account)
- Microsoft commercial marketplace documentation home