First, make sure you install the required global dependencies.
npm i -g gulp gulp-rename gulp-concat gulp-download basic-ftp npm-run-all
Then, open your preferred terminal application.
mkdir /your/preferred/project/location/
cd /your/preferred/project/location/
Copy the code out of the GitHub repository.
git clone --recursive
Check for submodule updates.
git submodule update --remote
Start Eleventy.
npm run start
Open your browser and visit the local copies of the site.
http://localhost:8080/ (english)
http://localhost:8081/ (italian)
To generate the HTML source files for both sites in the dist/
Remember to run this command to save static assets before committing to GitHub.
npm run build
To generate the HTML source files for both sites and ftp them up to the web host.
npm run deploy