This module installs PEAR from a package manager and aids you in installing the latest versions (or specified versions) of PEAR packages.
This code is taken from, which is itself based on
You can see all the changes that have been made since the initial commit at the following URL:
This module will try to install PEAR via the package name php-pear
(this is
also configurable) and will then allow the installation of PEAR packages
through the pear::package function.
Here is an example of installing the default php-pear
package and upgrading
PEAR, then installing Console_Table and finally installing drush 4.5.0 from a
third-party PEAR repository,
include pear
# If no version number is supplied, the latest stable release will be
# installed. In this case, upgrade PEAR to 1.9.2+ so it can use
# without complaint.
pear::package { "PEAR": }
pear::package { "Console_Table": }
# Version numbers are supported.
pear::package { "drush":
version => "4.5.0",
repository => "",
# Install a package from the pecl repository
pear::package { "xdebug":
repository => ""
Alternately, to specify a different package for PEAR (if you are using IUS
on CentOS, for example) you can invoke the class using the parameterized
class syntax instead of an include
class { "pear":
package => "php52-pear",
require => Package["php52-cli"],
# If no version number is supplied, the latest stable release will be
# installed. In this case, upgrade PEAR to 1.9.2+ so it can use
# without complaint.
pear::package { "PEAR": }
pear::package { "Console_Table": }
# Version numbers are supported.
# Also, make sure PEAR is upgraded before trying to install drush.
pear::package { "drush":
version => "4.5.0",
repository => "",
require => Pear::Package["PEAR"],
Puppet-pear module is released under the {MIT License}[].