A simple core for tunneling and even direct user-server connections. based on high-performance, fully customizeable nodes for creating any kind of protocol without writing code for it.
To start please read the docs. (The documents are currently only in Persian language.)
- Restructure the project into a much cleaner design
- Remove OpenSSL/WolfSSL client, create a TLS client using curl-impersonate
- Rework OpenSSL server, configure options to match Nginx identically
- Focus on HTTP/1 or HTTP/2, make every option configurable via JSON
- Redesign Layer 3 nodes with a different architecture
- Add support for WireGuard
- Add support for Router
- Implement more transports like HTTP/3 or a stream control node
Those who are willing to donate can send to this TRX wallet
Thanks for the support! ❤